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                          The guests raise their hands after each question that applies to them:

                              ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO THE GUEST:


How many of you are working on your dream job? This is the job that you've dreamt about since you cn remember and you aaaaabsolutely looooooove what you do and you could NEVER see yourself doing anything else? (flip hand up after each question)

M How many of you on the dream job, make aaaaall the Money that you want and need at your job?  You make so much money that you are literally overpaid. I mean you actually feel guilty about how much money you make?

R - How many of you on this dream job that you go to everyday Monday-Friday, get all the Recognition you deserve on your job?  I mean, when you get to work, your boss plays your "special" song and everybody applauds for you when you arrived? (they'll laugh)

S - How many of you this dream job that you go to Monday-Friday and fihgt trffic coming and going, have TOTAL job Security?  You can't be fired, downsized, laid off or let go until you are ready to go?

F How many of you have aaaaaaaaall the Flexibility you want and need on your dream job?  Like, when you get to work on Monday morning, you still feel sleepy so you inform your boss that you're leaving so you can go home to take a nap and you'll be back around lunch time? (they'll laugh).  How many of you can work for 3 hours, pick up the kids from school, go back to work for 3 hours, go home, cook dinner and do homework, go back to work for 2 hours and then spend cuddle time with your man??

C How many of you can earn a FREE Car on your job? Because you work so hard bringing income to your company, your boss offers to lease a brand new car for you, paying your car note, insurance, taxes, title and registration free? AND will allow you o earn a car every two years as long as you continue to produce at the level you produced when you earned the first car?  Anybody ever get that offer?

A How many of you can Advance on your job whenever you decide to?  For instance, can you go to your boss on Monday and let him know that you're ready to move to the next level in the company, so effective immediately you're the Manager?

B How many of you are truly the Boss?  How many of you are in control of your own future? And, after working for 40-45 years of your life, are you really sure that you'll be able to afford to retire?  Conversely, I bet your Boss/CEO is going to retire well.  


Well ladies, in Mary Kay, we absolutely love what we do, that we just about do it for free, because every time a consultant leaves her home, she is going to give the gift of a FREE facial. We can offer our free facials because the product is that good!! And, the product sells itself.


(Share I-Story, talk about the Avenues of Income and why women say No to Mary Kay)



I want to thank all of you for being here tonight/today and taking time to get the facts about the Mary Kay Business Opportunity.

I'm going to ask all of the guests to stand as we are getting ready to close (give them a round of applause)

Guests stay standing while I ask the closing questions:

How many of you had a good time tonight/today? (flip hand up (fhu) and they'll do the same)

How many of you learned something about Mary Kay that you didn't know before? (fhu)

How many of you can honestly say that you were a little impressed with what you've experienced here today? (fhu)

How many of you felt the genuine warmth and love in the room? (fhu)

How many of you think I'm really cute? (they'll laugh) (fhu)

How many of you believe that I can teach you this business IF you were willing to learn? (fhu)

How many of you are really afraid of the next question I'm about to ask you? (fhu)

Okay, this is only for the BIG girls with courage, who are ready to change their situation and step out on faithhow many of you, even though you might be scared to death, your knees are trembling right now, your stomach hurts and you have NO idea if you'd ever be good at this, how many of you know that you really should do this and would be willing to let me teach you how?  Ask yourself, what's worse thing that can happen if you gave it a try?  It's $100 plus tax and shipping and any women who's standing who CANNOT write a GOOD check for $100 TODAY that will clear the bank TODAY, chances are this is not the first time you couldn't and it probably won't be the last time if you don't do something about it. So, how many of you, despite your fear, are willing to give it a try? (fhu)

Come on down front because we want to meet and greet you! 

Introduce each lady and close with Beauty Agreements!!