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Super Skin Care/ Appointment "Check List"

 Check List of actions for
necessary actions for a Super Skin Care Class/ Party/ Workshop or  for a facial. 

1.)   When you booked your hostess, guest or facial, did you make sure it was a firm business appointment by saying. Since this is a Career for me ,You can count on me to be there, may I count on you?  Great!!

2.)   Did you coach your hostess thoroughly telling her how to invite her guests so that they would come?

3.)   Did you send a Reminder/Thank you note about the time and date of the class to the hostess or to your guests..and tell her that It is people like her that make my business so rewarding!

4.)   Did you give the hostess  a specific time when you would call to get her guest list and phone numbers? ( 24 48 hours after scheduling the booking)

5.)   Did you call her back on the date you promised to get the  guest list and numbers?

6.)   Did you call each guest for the class or the  facial  guest to cover the information on the 1st 4 questions of the Skin Care profile?  It is a perfect time to get her excited and sold on coming.. Be sure to ask her what her favorite color of clothing is..and to be sure to wear it.  ( she looks and feels better the whole time!  You will see a difference in her attitude.)

7.)   Did you arrive at least 30 minutes before the class is to start so that you can set up and kitchen coach the hotess? 

8.)   Did you ask the hostess where a private place would be that you could speak with each guest individually at the end of the class? 
Finances are private.   This also gives you an opportunity book and schedule interviews one on one.

9.)   Did you use the 4 point recruiting plan?

a.)   ask the hostess who is coming who would enjoy pampering some of her friends.

b.)  Give a heart felt recruiting I story.

c.)   Select 1-2 women at each class who you think would be a great consutlant..and tell that you can schedule a time to get together for sharing the info.

d.)  Offer the hostess & guests a special gift for anyone they
  recommend who becomes a Q. consultant.

10.)Did you mention the follow up facial at least 5-7 times

       during the class so that they understand why you

      want to see them again. ( to be sure they are on the

     right products, do a customized look for her and to have

    her earn free products thru the hostess credit program.)

11.)  Did you have a clear class close:  3 sets.. and 5 ways
and explain clearly the current hostess credit program

        12.) Did you do a strong one on one closing.( I book 1st,
                 sell 2nd and talk about the career opportunity 3rd

        13.) Did you arrive looking like  a professional?  Set up the
               Table professionally and were kind and considerate to
                each guest?
        14.) Did you follow up with each guest 2 days later?