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When I got serious about my business as a consultant, I immediately applied every principle of discipline and excellence that I had ever learned in my life to my Mary Kay career.  From daily practicing the piano (which I did not like nor was I good at) to practicing a back hand spring for cheerleading (until I got it), to running around the track daily during my lunch as a teacher (my only opportunity between 5a.m. and 10 p.m. to exercise), to studying before I went out with friends socially- I had some years of experience in discipline.  I applied every piece of wisdom ever given to me by teacher, parent, grandparent, pastor, or friend- you know such as "If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing right!"  "Do all of your tasks, as if unto the Lord" "fast is easy slow is hard", " Do the important things first, and you'll always have time to play" "Plan your work and work your plan" etc..... So that when I wanted to achieve in Mary Kay, I needed to know, "what does it take? What is important?" 

In those days, the 3+3+300 formula was the most common.  Today, working with I.P.A.'s is another way of saying, New business in the form of holding skin care classes, interviewing recruiting prospects, and new sales will take you in the direction of up and forward!!  I become baffled when "work first, play later" is ignored by bright, capable, achieving women.  Sabotage, confusion, is all from the enemy.  Clarity, assurance, is all from the Lord.  Today, with our 45 year success history, there aren't many success secrets.  POWER HOUR is a clear success concept.  It says: The first hour of your working Mary Kay day, DO INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES FIRST.....these have to do with your personal business.  Booking, coaching and pre-profiling (classes/facials) INTERVIEWING (scheduling, holding, following up for an answer, sending/passing out a tape, picking up a tape with an already layered prospect!)  If you work a full time job, this may be your lunch break 12-1pm.  If that doesn't work, if you are a teacher, 4-5pm is it. If not, and you get home @6, then 7:30-8:30 is it whether you feel like it or not!  This has been the heart of the 21 day blitz!  To create the discipline with accountability that says, "I GET IT!!!!!   I understand what and how momentum is created.  I understand what a recruiting effort really is (vs. what I've been doing).  I'm willing to track my efforts to see clearly where results come for me...I'm willing to be accountable!"  It is more than lip service.  It goes deeper than "tell me what to do and I'll do it"....It is bottom line, integrity.  Where action and words match up!!!!  Jamie Cruse, million $ director, said this weekend.  When someone looks into the eye of a million $ director, they know they can count on her, that her words and actions will match up".  Then she asked, "What do people see in your eyes?  Can they count on you?  Do they see your vision?  Is it big enough to include them or just you?"

Power Hour -- Do it. Don't procrastinate it.  Just do it!  Of course there are other tasks in front of you.  That's what your Weekly Plan Sheet is all about!  If your habits haven't been serving you well, then CHANGE!   You can turn this all around in 21 days.  Don't believe me?  Move your kitchen garbage can.  Put it in a different place.  You'll be throwing trash in your floor for at least 21 days!!!   It will take you 21 days to change that old habit of no new bookings, no new interviews to one a day, one a day, one a day.  She who is most willing to get disciplined, to be obedient to the call on her life, to become a student of those who have walked before her....She who is most willing to feel the fear, do that thing thus overcoming that fear will be the one to achieve success fastest and furthest.  What do you need to do today to make the change so you can reap the benefits of the rest of what this Seminar year has in store for you?  These are the days that will make a difference in your future!  Seize them!  Pamela Waldrop Shaw