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Bold or Broke???

Bold or Broke???  Think about that today.  When we start our business with MK, usually we are called to extend that old comfort zone....this can make us unsteady in thought process and may convince us to doubt ourselves and our ability to go forward.  That is normal, it's called GROWTH  One of the best things that you can do for your life is to remain in a state of semi fear.  Sounds quite attractive, doesn't it!  However, on the other side of that feeling is abundance......however you define that in your life.  Choices, how many of you would like more choices for your life?
    My dad always taught me that "IF nothing changes, nothing Changes!!!  Are you sincere about wanting more time with your children, taking pressure off your hubby financially, saving for education, helping out your parents?????  Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are w/o ability to do these things.  You can do and have and be anything that you want if you are willing to grow and open yourself to a different method of thinking, talking and working.
    We have a need to prove ourselves right!!!  Think about that for a minute.  Your stresses in your life are not the result of a vicious world that just wants to do you in, an unreasonable boss, a grueling job, or chaotic kids.  All of those things are a result of little choices that you and I make daily and reinforce daily by subsequent talk and choices.
    Get in on the Power!!!!  God wants you to have a life free from all that junk and He has provided it.  There is a reason why YOU are in this business!!!
    When I think of you, I so badly want to jump into your little mind with my feather duster and whip it back and forth through your thinking and remove all those doubts and hesitations that keep you from experiencing all that God has in store for you.
    Don't be afraid to be bold about what you want.  Pray boldly, expectantly, specifically.  Your heavenly Father loves you more than you and I are even capable of understanding. Don't be afraid to be bold in your prayer.  Ask Him to take away those fears.....He will.  The writers of Hebrews say that we are to come fearlessly, confidently, and boldly to the throne of grace.   Start there and watch things start to change.  What do you have to lose!  Have a power-packed weekend.  I can hardly wait to celebrate all of your successes on Monday.XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOMp

Mary Pat Raynor