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Table of Contents previous
100 Days of Success Plan

100 Days of Success
Accountability Notebook:

If the President can be evaluated by his first 100 days then we should
be able to track our success in the next 100 days.
You will reference this book over and over with names listed and to
evaluate your on-going success. It will help you see what you are doing
with your MK time or...not doing.

Include in your book:
When and how you contacted your Director: email, phone, text, left message
Appointments Held
Coached Hostesses
Reorder Calls
Booking Calls & Secured
Preprofiling Calls
Follow-up with guests
Amount Sold
Training events attended with guests
Guest Invitations
New Contacts/Referrals
All income producing calls and activity

*Training Center - left menu for
daily activity ideas.

Do not include in your book:
office work that is not income producing
Inventory maintenance
Packing orders
Reading emails
Surfing through any Director websites
All maintenance activities.