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Dare to Dream Use this questionnaire at every Selling Appointment, and turn them in WEEKLY with you Accomplishment Sheet. Before your "I Story" do the Bag Marketing, and have everyone fill out the Dare to Dream Sheet to help you with your challenge. 

"I am in a challenge/contest to... (finish my Power Start, be a Star Consultant, become a Senior Consultant, move up in my Career, go on target for a Career Car, earn the use of a Pontiac Vibe, etc)... Would anyone be offended if I take a couple of minutes to tell you a little about Mary Kay? Great! Well, we have to have fun and make it cute, because in Mary Kay we make our own fun, so we're going to play a game!  I'm going to pass around this bag and everyone take something out of it." (Keep passing the bag till every thing is gone) 

While they are passing the bag say
"While you are looking in the bag, I want to ask you a few quick questions about your current job. Dont answer out loudjust think about it.
o Do you have all the flexibility in the world or do you wish you had more? Control over your vacation time, sick time or starting & ending time? Childs field trips? Chicken pox goes through family; would you get disciplined for taking 2 weeks off?
o Do you get the praise and recognition that you deserve? Are you told how much they appreciate you? Are you paid what you are worth or what the job is worth?
o If you gave it your guts for 5 years worked really hard, took work home on the weekends, went in early, stayed late gave it your all, could you truly change your financial situation? Not just 3-4%. Im talking $10,000 to $40,000 to $100,000 increase over the next 5 years?
Youre probably thinkingis there a career out there that give you flexibility, praise and pays you what you are worth? There is and its called MK Cosmetics. 

Let's play the game!  If you can guess what the object you have represents about the Mary Kay Opportunity, you will get a ticket for my prize drawing!"
  If they can't guess, let someone else guess, and, if no one knows, you tell them. 

When you've gone through everything in the bag say, "Now I just need you to fill out this questionnaire, so I can turn it in to my Director as proof that I shared this information with you today.  I will give you a ticket for completing the questionnaire and my Director will be doing a drawing for $50 worth of Mary Kay!  Thank you so much for helping me complete my challenge!  Let me tell you a little bit about why I love Mary Kay...." (Share your 2 minute I Story)