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1. How many days a week do you work with Mary Kay? Debbie Clepper (Tammy Sanz)
2. How many hours do you put in each week? Kathy Peters (Tammy Sanz)
3. What are the brushes made from? Teri Hodges (Tammy Sanz)
4. How do you keep up to date with your products on hand, when they are changing all the time? Melva Gustafson (Lynn Gleason)
5. How do you find customers? Darlys Erickson (Tammy Sanz)
6. I know I love the products -- but if I'm doing it as a "hobby" how much would I need to invest? Bee May Detweiler (Lynn Gleason)
7. Can I join under my mom so that she can get the credit for my orders? Plus, how do I go about re-joining? It's been about 11 years or so and I don't remember my consultant number. Mara Sorenson (Lynn Gleason)
8. How long before you started actually seeing money? Mollie Doleshall (Lynn Gleason)
9. What is the time commitment needed to be successful? Terra Hoskins (Lynn Gleason)


June 16thSeptember 15th

Have you ever felt like you wanted to start a conversation with a woman about a Mary Kay career.. But didn't know where to begin?  We are having a 13 week contest that will help you feel much more comfortable in doing that.

Your prize is " Self confidence, growing your business and new team members!!"  (I believe that every woman wants to know about a MK career.. They are just afraid to ask.  Afraid that we might want them to sign an agreement?   Afraid she won't be successful? Afraid of being afraid?  This is so non stressful.. And will still give her the information to Make a decision.

Ready, Set, GO!!!  Grab a small notebook or some index cards, and put them in your purse with a pencil or pen!

Just Ask 1 question to customers, friends, when delivering products, when going classes and facials.  At work.. With friends and relatives.

"If I only had five minutes to answer your biggest question about my Mary Kay business, what would it be?

Or ..

"If you could only ask me one question about my Mary Kay business,  what would it be?

NOW.. Do your best to answer it.

For her asking a question... and you responding with your best answer she will get into a drawing for a $100 Mary Kay GIFT CERTIFICATE from ME!!!!

I will be giving away one


for EVERY fifty names entered! 


Within 24 hours of her asking  the question.. Please e-mail me lgleason@marykay.com her


 phone number

 And question

I will call and thank her, invite her to our next event, or for a cup of coffee. Follow up and answer any other questions she might have.

I will post all the questions in our Training Center so we can see them and learn how to answer them!

NOW is YOUR TIME!  Let's go!!

