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CLICK HERE FOR D.S.A. Insurance Programs available to you.


Go to Intouch
Click on the ORDERING Tab
You'll find PRO INSURANCE there.
Let me tell you that my newest offspring Director is here because of this insurance.  I tried to recruit Dana for a year.  She was my pastor's wife and she just kept politely putting me off - way tooooo busy!!
She called me in October to tell me that they had lost their health insurance (over $500/mo) and she didn't know what they were going to do.  They were self-insured.  I told her about Mary Kay's insurance options.
She checked into it and sign up ONLY to get the insurance.  (Which, by the way, was about $200 a month LESS than what she had been paying.  Note that her family had a high deductible and used it mostly for catastrophe insurance)  I told her that was ok, but she still had to go through training and she agreed.  Because she was going through training, she started with a Star order...but she was only going to do that training and then just enough to maintain the insurance.  She did her Power Start, took a couple of months off and then went to our January Jumpstart retreat.  She came back FIRED UP and went to work.  She debuted on stage last Seminar, did Fabulous 50s, eaned her Mailibu, picked it up about 3 weeks ago and is less than $2000 away from the Equinox!!  She is also only about $3000 away from Honor's Society and has until June for that.
Now...having said that, please do NOT ask me any details about the insurance.  I don't know any!  I am just relaying the story of how this insurance got me my last offspring. 
Quotes are free and no obligation, so please contact them for insurance details.
Debra Bishop

Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 10:54 AM
The insurance offered through MK Connection is one of the best priced and best coverage package I have found in the 11 yrs I have been a consultant. Well worth the cost!!!
 Robin Necker
Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:53 AM
I've had several of you email me questions about the PRO Insurance program.  Can I just tell you that I am not able to answer any questions about their coverage, costs or details like that.
Could I suggest that at Seminar you go up to the PRO Insurance booth (they are there every year) and get GENERAL info.  That is what I did.  I have no personal interest in the insurance as we have coverage with hubby's work, but I talk to women all of the time whose excuse for not leaving a job they hate is "they'd lose their insurance".  Personally, that never made sense to me as you can work 2-3 classes a month and pay for insurance.  I'd ask them why they stay in a job they hate when in only 6-8 hors for the entire month, they could make the money to pay for that premium.
Anyway, I talked to the PRO folks at Seminar and got enough info that I would be knowledgable enough to direct my consultants in the right direction.  They have fliers about what they do.
My talking to them that few minutes let me know what to say to my pastor's wife to help her fill a need they had when their insurance company dropped their coverage.  She signed up last Oct ONLY to get the insurance and on June 30th will be a Mary Kay Director and car driver!  She had NO intention of working this business much at all.  In fact, she told me when she signed up that if she got 1 class a week done, that would be all she could squeeze in!!  Once she got into MK, she found out what we were about.  Insurance was the door for that.
You can figure what that meant to her family (she got the same insurance for $200 a month LESS), but also to my unit, to our growth and to my paycheck.  So....was it worth me spending a few minutes at the Expo with the PRO people???
Because of that, several more of my consultants found health insurance through PRO.  Can you imagine the relief they have knowing that their family has insurance now??
You can also get their phone number from INTOUCH, under EXCLUSIVE SAVINGS on the ORDER tab.  They only give quotes to consultants with a consultant number. 
Debra Bishop

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 1:23 PM

Still haven't received any information regarding my request.  Decided to obtain the MK dental insurance contact information online.  Forwarded it to my inquirer and am including part of her response.  It was interesting to discover you don't have to be a consultant to obtain the insurance, good information to know!  Also, there is a long list of direct sales companies that use this company.
"I looked at the website and you do not have to be a consultant to get their plans.  I did look at them and they have the best price I have seen.  I called and talked to a customer service rep and they will send me some quotes for  plans that would best suit me & my needs"
Will send their home page separately.  All of the various types of insurance available is listed on that page.
Peggy Brown

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 5:03 PM
My DIQ who is finishing this month (and is one of the strongest I have ever had) is in MK because of the insurances.  She and her husband, a pastor, were self-insured and paying almost $500 a month for high deductible coverage for them and their 3 small children.  Humana dropped them.  She called me and said they didn't know what they were going to do.  I told her MK had insurance but I didn't know anything about it.  I had been trying to recruit her for a year.
She signed up ONLY to get the insurance, telling me that she MIGHT do 1 class a week and not to expect any more. She was estatic when the insurance with MK was $200 a month LESS for THE SAME COVERAGE!!  Plus that, she said it had a health savings plan that her other did not.  She added the Dental/Vision for $20 more.  She has been very happy with it.  They chose a high deductible, the same as her other plan.
She said the savings on the insurance plus the savings on her cell phone plan alone were worth joining MK.
10 months later, she if finishing up DIQ this month and her car.  So me promoting that insurance to her was well worth it!!
Debra Bishop