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Your Key to seeing it as a DONE DEAL!!!!
Focusing on End Results: Your Right Brain's Gift to Goal Achievement PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lynea Corson-Hadley   
Sunday, 21 June 2009 23:19

After competing unsuccessfully in the 1974 Olympic decathlon, Gold Medallist Bruce Jenner took a life-size picture of the winner of the event and put a photo of his own face over the face of the winner. In addition to following his usual training program, he viewed the picture of himself as the winner each day. He won the next Olympics in 1976.

Knowing what you want in life having specific goals and updating them regularly is a major key to success. However, while traditional goal setting engages your left brain with specifics and action steps, what do you suppose your right brain is doing? Daydreaming? Humming background tunes?

Generally speaking, your right brain deals in images, emotions and creative pursuits like music and art. However, a major talent of your right brain is its ability to see what you want in its entirety already completed! It then goes to work discovering what is missing and needed to make the goal real in your physical world. Thus, a powerful way to enlist your right brain in the goal-setting process is to make it the trustee of "end results."

Distinguishing End Results from Goals

An end result is often slightly different than its companion goal. For example, if your goal is to earn an MBA degree, the end result of that goal is probably not the piece of paper with its official seal (unless you have a very strong desire to frame and display it and feel good every time you and others see it on the wall). The end result is more likely the wall of the corner VP office on which youll hang the certificate once you land the new job for which the MBA qualifies you.

See the difference? The MBA is sort of a lifeless concept (and probably associated with lots of hard work and sacrifice), while the image of the new job is exciting and compelling. Focusing on the MBA could generate negative feelings and slow down goal achievement. Focusing on the end result creates all sorts of positive emotions and speeds up goal achievement.

The major criteria of an end result are that it must 1) generate extremely strong feelings, and 2) be something that can only happen if and when you reach your stated goal.

To effectively link your goals with end results, keep these three principles in mind:

1. Select an end result that you really want and have strong feelings about.

The more strongly you want something, the easier it is for your subconscious to create the desired result. For example, if you want to earn a specific amount in commissions or bonuses, identify the end result of that effort something you really want and can put energy behind that can only be purchased, obtained or experienced if you earn the specified amount of money. Your end result might be recognition, new clothing, a new car or boat, a nicer place to live, or the ability to donate of a sum of money to your favorite charity.

2. Focus on the end result rather than on the steps needed to achieve it.

Start by using your left-brain to develop a well conceived action plan designed to accomplish your goal. This kind of planning is necessary, and you will want to continue using it. However, once that plan is in place, shift your focus to the desired end result (the recognition, car, house, boat or whatever youve chosen). This incorporates the right brain way of thinking and problem solving and can lead to creative new ways of achieving your goal.

3. Obtain or create a tangible picture of your end result.

Visualizing something with strong emotion is a powerful tool in achieving results. Even if you are very skilled at seeing pictures in your imagination, obtain or create some physical symbol of your end result a clear image that you will see over and over again in the same way. If outside factors such as interest rates, the economy or other peoples attitudes predict a negative outcome for you, it is crucial that you have this tangible picture to keep your attention focused on your desired outcome.

Represent your end result as precisely as possible. Use photographs, travel brochures, postcards, gummed stickers and/or hand-drawn sketches. Make your picture bright and colorful. If you want to buy a red car, be sure to have a picture of a red car, not a blue one. If you want to sell five homes, assemble photos of the homes and place a "sold" sign in front of each one. Complete at least one picture or create several, each showing your end result in a way that triggers strong feelings each time you see the pictures.

Put Yourself in the Picture

Place a photograph of yourself in the picture. This strategy gives the picture immediacy and gets the message to your subconscious that you want this result. If your goal is to double your sales this year, create a picture of you at the company banquet receiving an award. You can do this by getting photos of past award dinners and putting your picture in place of those being honored.

Script the Picture

Somewhere on the page, write affirmations appropriate for the end result you want. Here are some samples:

  • I am proud to be on stage receiving the plaque for being number one in sales in my company for the year _______. (Fill in the blank.)
  • I am thrilled to have qualified as a member of the Million Dollar Club on or before _______. (Fill in the date.) I get excited every time new clients see this acknowledgment of my expertise.
  • I am grateful to my husband for having kept the family going while I developed my career. I cant wait to show him our savings account, with enough money to allow him to quit his job and find something he really enjoys doing.

Display the Picture

Look at your end-result picture daily. Display the picture in a prominent place, such as on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or closet door. If you have people around you who are not positive about what you are doing, keep your picture in a private place, such as a folder or three-ring binder. Look at it just before you go to sleep and as soon as you awaken, when your subconscious is most available.

Take some time with this important process. Enjoy choosing your end result and making your tangible picture. You are not just making a "picture book." You are the architect designing your future, and the end result is a major part of the blueprint.


Lynea Corson-Hadley, Ph.D., is an expert in helping others break through blocks to reaching their goals in all areas of professional and personal life. She is president of Life Skills Unlimited, publishers of sales, health and educational materials; an international speaker and trainer; and coauthor of the book, The Secrets of Super Selling, from which this article was adapted.