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Shopping vs. Inventory

From: Joyce Schuldt


This explains a little more about gift giving to our family and friends from our personal store!!  Please read.

Hello there!!

It's SO exciting to prepare your first HOLIDAY product order of the season...I know you're counting the days till you can get that order placed!

One of the really fun things we do with the holiday product line-up is to do our own gift shopping for friends and family members!  It's so fun to be able to give everyone we care for twice the gift for half the cost!  But here's my little tip for today:

Make a list of all the people you'll give to this year, add up the total wholesale value of that product and USE YOUR PERSONAL, HOUSEHOLD-FAMILY MONEY to pay for that portion.  So let's say that $300 of your $1,200 wholesale order is the products you'll personally be giving away.  You would split your order onto 2 cards -- $300 on the family card and $900 on the business card.  This is very important and most consultants fail to do it...It is bad business to use inventory money (or your inventory loan) to make personal purchases -- in any other retail business it is called EMBEZZLING.  But it's sort of like eating while standing in the pantry -- we figure that if we don't take the bag of chips and sit down, they have no calories?!  In the same way, we think that if we do our holiday shopping on the Mary Kay bank card, it doesn't cost any money! 

This is the same principle behind why we should always pay, out of the household account, for product that we and our families personally use out of our Mary Kay store.

So, have fun!!  Make sure that everyone on YOUR holiday list gets Mary Kay  -- you'll get half-price on everything (!!!) AND you'll earn contest credit for Star Consultant status and year-long company sales contests at the same time!!  But do it right.

Love and MUCH Belief in your STAR qualities!!