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If any selling you have done before, put down 10 for the start of your score.

 If you have a car and are able to drive, the thing you must do is just add 5.

 If some extra money is what you would like, add 10 more which is just about right.

 A little spare time will add to your score, for this you may add 15 more.

 If you like people and think they are grand, add 6 more to see where you stand.

 Add 10 points if you think parties are fun, and when you add this you are almost done.

 If you score the highest, it is plain to see a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant is what you should be. Add 10 to your score if you would like information on becoming a consultant.








         Take this gift and with out a sigh look around and give it to a person with brown eyes.

         Yes, you are the lucky one for a moment, but let us all share in the fun! Please look

       around with eyes discreet  and give it to the one with the smallest feet.

         Your feet are tiny and very small, now hand it to someone very tall.

         Please take your time and don't be harried. Give it to the one who is longest married.

         You must be proud of your life, now please pass this to the newest wife.

         Of this parcel you are bereft, give it to the one on your left.

         The largest earrings I'm looking for now, if you are wearing them, step up and bow.

         Now to the person with buttons... big or small, any kind,  the most you can find, gets

       the gift this time.

         Now don't get cross and please don't fight, but pass it to the person 3rd on your right.

         We should stop now, don't you agree?

       This gift is yours to keep with glee!!!!







 For the next 3 minutes were going to play Ask Me About My Job.  The first person to come up with a question will get 3 tickets, the 2nd person will get 2 and every question after that earns 1 ticket.  Questions like How many hours do you work a week? and How long have you been doing it? will start coming at you.  Answer them as positively as possible.  Ie. I only work evenings and weekend because I want to be home with my children.  Ive been doing this job for 18mos and Ive never had so much. 


At the end of the Q & A you can either draw for a prize right then and there, or you can tell the guests to hang on to their tickets and do a little more Q & A towards the end of the party (they may have thought of other questions by then). 


Its a lot of fun when the questions start coming in fast and furious guests try to out-do each other and ask the most questions (they want to be the one with the most tickets) and its GREAT for teaching people about your business and how it might benefit them.








Have each guest number their paper 1 - 16.  Tell the guests that

you are going to tell them something, and that they need to write

the answer in terms of candy, a candy bar, or other candy.


Questions/statements and Answers:


1) A famous trio? (3 Musketeers)                            2) A Galaxy?  (Milky Way)                                                                                      
3) Can't hold on to anything? (Butterfinger)            4) Twin letters? (M&M's)

5) To chuckle to oneself? (Snickers)                      6) Before 1? (Zero)
7) A famous baseball player? (Babe Ruth)    8) A workers favorite day of the week? (Payday)
9) An Indian burial ground? (Mounds)          10) A joy to be around? (Almond Joy)
11) A rainbow of  color? (Skittles)                12) They can save your life? (Lifesavers)
13) A planet (Mars)                                      14) What do you call this? (Whatchamacallit)
15) Superman's human name? (Clark)        16) A famous New York street? (5th Ave)



How many soaps and detergents can you find?

With joy in my heart, I made a dash for the mailbox. What a thrill to find that my special package had arrived. Giving a shout I raced into the house like a Haley's Comet. "Why all the excitement?" asked my husband. "If you'd use some of the energy to keep the house spic n span and to get the laundry done, I might have enough clean clothes to tide me over." "So, you think house work is a breeze." I retorted. "Here's the whisk broom now why don't you climb down from your ivory tower and give me a hand?" "And as for the laundry, I thought I woodbury that in the back yard." "One more bold remark like that", he replied" and I'm going to dial the dress shop and cancel the order on your new chiffon dress. How duz  that strike you?" "Not on your lifebuoy" I said, grabbing the phone from his hand. "I was only teasing Sweetheart he said, "Now go and open your special package to cheer you up.


Joy/ Dash/ Thrill/ Shout/ Comet/ Spic N Span/ Tide/Breeze/Whisk/Ivory/Woodbury/Bold/Dial
