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Who is a contact?
-  A person at a class/facial or on the go appointment
-  Calling a filled in survey
-  Calling a person from the Name Game
-  Booking a separate appointment from preprofiling calls
-  Asking someone to try a product or sample
-  Someone who takes a Goody Bag and fills in a survey card or your business card.
-  Calling a customer who purchases product from a Silent Hostess.  You must offer a On-the Go or 20 minute facial.
-  Asking a customer for a booking or be a guest
-  Calling an email response.
-  Calling a referral from your customer, either Tic Tac Toe or Referral Sheet/Closing Sheet or Survey. 
-  Warm chatting for your Networking Portfolio, Before and After Portfolio or Guest at meeting

Day 1: Call 5 people to get 10 TimeWise surveys filled out. Survey Mania

Day 2:  Call 5 customers/friends to be a Silent Hostess

Day 3:  Talk to 5 people about coming to their office with goody bags for Working Women Appreciation Day

Day 4:  Ask 5 women to be in your Global Portfolio

Day 5:  Ask 5 women to be in your Networking Portfolio.

Day 6:  Pass out 5 business cards with lipstick samples.

Day 7:  Ask 5 women about being a model in your before and after portfolio


Lipstick Surveys

 Put 10 Lipstick samples on a key ring and do 10 lipstick surveys.  Try this script while you are already talking to someone, at the end of the conversation By the way, I am in management training with Mary Kay and my Director has asked me to have 10 women try our new lipstick colors and give their opinion, would you try a sample and let me know what you think?

Networking Script:

Im so excited, we have just introduced a new service for our customers, would you be interested in some free advertising? 

What we do is get together for a 45-minute pampering session and get your opinion of our brand new patent pending skin care line and we put together a daytime professional glamour look.   I will take an after picture and get 10 of your business cards.  Then I will introduce you and your business to 20-30 women a month at no cost to you.  This is a great way for businesswomen do some networking for each other.  You will be under no obligation and I do have a free gift for your time. 

Would during lunch or right after work be more convenient for you?  At your business, my house or your house? 

By the way, who do you know that might be interested in some free advertising?

Glamour Before and After Portfolio

Excuse me, I dont want to embarrass or offend you, but has anyone ever asked you to be face model for Mary Kay?  They havent, I am really surprised.  I would be honored to be the one to have you in my portfolio, all we do is get together for a 45 minute pampering session, let you try our product, I will take a before and after picture and then have a free gift for your time.  You would be under no obligation.

Global Portfolio



When you are talking to someone who looks like they would be from another country.  I can't help but asking, what is your heritage?  You are from _______?  I am so excited!  We have just started a new Global Portfolio to show how Mary Kay products look on faces from around the Globe, would there be any reason why you couldn't represent your country in my Portfolio?  You would be perfect!   PAUSE ANSWER All we do is get together for a 45 minute pampering session, let you try our product, I will take a before and after picture and then have a free gift for your time.  You would be under no obligation.

Survey Mania

I put the surveys in the small pink MK shopping bag.  I fastened it with pink ribbon.  On the outside of the bag I attached the following note, decorated with stickers.

 Make-up Money Mania

Would you like some make-up money???? For every survey completed by someone 18 years or older, you will add $1.00 to your make-up money gift certificate! When I pick up the completed surveys on ____________________, you may spend your make-up money!

(Limit - 20 completed surveys per shopping spree)


Thanks for shopping with me!

Make-up Maniac, (your name)


When you pick them up, find out their best feature and what that person likes the most about her.  The make your calls using this script:


Hello, is _______ there?  This is __________ with Mary Kay and was calling in response to the survey you filled out.  You marked that you would be interested in one of our pampering sessions.  Also.  _______ told me that that your   (Whatever her best feature is) would be a great addition to my portfolio, plus you are super busy and need to be pampered.  (Pause)   You would be under no obligation and I would have a free gift for your time.



Make a list of everyone you know who works in a office and a list of offices you have been to in the past year.  Doctors, Dentist, Insurance, etc. 

Call the person you know or the office manager and say:

Hi _______, this is ___________ with Mary Kay and we are honoring working women this week, do you have a quick minute so I can tell you how we can make the women in your office really feel appreciated?  Great!  With your permission, I will come in during a quiet time and hand deliver goody bags for everyone in your office, we have them for both Men and Women.  I will have an option survey for them to fill out for a free Satin Hands drawing I am doing on Friday.  I will let them know is a thank you gift from you because you appreciate all they do to make the office run so successfully.  What do you think?  When is a good day?  They will love you for this!