Committing to the Commitment by Dr. John C. Maxwell
Why Go To Success Meetings?
Stop Whining - Start Winning!
by Cindy Leone
Create A Mission. Develop a sense of purpose. There are two pains in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Which one will you choose?
Set Goals. Stop the whining that says "It's impossible." "I can't ..." "It's too much work." "But we've never done it that way ..."
Set Stretch Goals. And reward yourself on initial results and successes. Understand that improvement is a process. There are no quick fixes, no instant gratification. Keep you perspective and stamp out negativism.
Write Down Your Goals. Don't just think them - ink them. Make your goals 'smart' - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and trackable.
Become Unstoppable. Have an unstoppable desire to win. Be enthusiastic. Ask yourself, "How badly do I want it? Am I willing to make the necessary sacrifices of hard work and study?" Don't be surprised by negative thoughts and feelings. As they come up, give yourself a break. Don't be too tough on yourself.
Take Action, Take Risks. Have persistence and expect setbacks - a recent study of 63 self-made millionaires showed they averaged 17 years to get there and suffered 2.7 bankruptcies on average along the way.
Believe In What You're Doing. Find your true life's work. Love what you're doing. Have faith and conviction, fueled by passion for your vision and your mission.
Have A Can Do Attitude. Personify positive believing. Savor your favorite affirmations such as "I advance confidently in the direction of my dreams." And "I act as though it is impossible to fail." Be an initiator, someone who makes things happen.
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