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Hostess Extravaganza....Amazing Hostess credit Program!!! $250 Free Products!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is amazing


This program is amazing and will help to COACH  your hostesses.    
GOAL:   10 Hostesses enjoying this Hostess Credit in March. 
               Limited edition Hostess Credit offer!!

Hostess Extravaganza Idea by Inner Circle NSD Cindy Williams by NSD Gillian Ortega

Could you get excited about BOOKINGS from BOOKINGS?????  
 When you do just 3 of these Hostess extravaganzas a week you will drastically change your financial situation.  Each class is going to net you $243.50 profit and when you do 3 a week that is $730.50 a week and $2922 a month!!!!  
p.s. .  My 1st choice is ALWAYS to CALL to tell them you are giving this to your next 10 hostesses.  They will jump on the schedule  when they realize that if they don't take you up on it..someone else will get their spot.
I DON"T recommend sending the postcard or e-mail as a way of booking .. It is a great reminder card..but your voice will make all the difference.
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