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Are we having fun yet? The sun is shining, the grass is growing, my sinuses are killing me but life is good.So we have 6 days until the end of the month. Have you finished what you started? Have you tracked your progress to show all you have achieved this month? Or are you kicking yourself because you aren't where you wanted to be by this date? Was your goal to do 10 parties and you have only done 5? Was your goal to recruit 5 but you only have 1 new Team Member? I have a little story for you then. Once there was this brand new consultant. She had been in the company for about 7 months and she really wanted to move up in her career. So she made the awesome goal of doing 20 skin care parties in one month. The month she made this goal before happened to be Feb. But she hadn't really thought about the actual month that much when she made the goal and told her recruiter, director and the whole meeting. What she soon realized was that Feb. was the shortest month of the year with a holiday smack dab in the middle and people were gearing up for tax time and paying off Christmas. But she just kept to the goal. Well, I won't go through every party and every facial but I will tell you she failed. She didn't make the 20 parties. She was heartbroken. She had done 17 and the last 3 just weren't in the cards. She cried to her husband, she cried in her office because she had failed. But failing or not she had to go to a special event the next night and she had to do her totals for that month. Now you have to understand at this point in her career she wasn't much of a tracker or number crunchier, she just did her business.So she sat at her desk with her head hung low to do her sheet. By the end of the paper work this girl was excited. Jumping up and down and hollering so much she brought her bewildered husband to her office asking what was wrong. Nothing was wrong she told him, nothing at all. What the girl had discovered is that she had done the 17 parties that didn't hit her goal but that she had failed UP! She had 53 new customers, 17 on basic skin care, 3 new team members, 2 qualified and she had made a lot of money, well over $3,000. She had her closes down pat, her dream sessions down pat, she had a large order into the company that finished her star before the end of the quarter. She had the most parties in her unit, the most dream sessions and she had advanced herself up on the career path. Needless to say this consultant has gone on to other failed goals and achieved ones. She has become a tracker and a number crunchier. But now when she doesn't hit her exact goal she does pat herself on the back for a great try at the goal and takes a look at what she did achieve. She doesn't kick herself for a canceled party or a dream session where no one signs. She steps back and learns a lot from that lesson. Occasionally she doubts herself and then she thinks back to that Feb. and smiles. Never give up on a dream or a goal. Units have been made in 6 days, cars have been won in 6 days, red jackets have been earned in 6 days. Do not stop until the last possible minute of the last possible day. If Mary Kay had given up on September 12th, 1963 because things weren't right where she wanted them to be where would we be today and what would you be reading? Instead she woke up the morning of the 13th and just did it. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet so do what needs to be done today. With love and awesome belief, Heather
PS That consultant went on to earn 2 free cars, 1 of them in one month and is going DIQ May 1st.:)