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April is the month to sell sell sell
STOP! I need your attention for the next three minutes! When you take a look at the "holidays" coming up in April - you are going to flip. Think, think, think - - - how can I work to promote this holiday to get new referrals, book classes, generate cash and add new customers through my gift service and find the quality women that will make my team the best. Imagine how many people your clients can introduce you to! Would you believe April is the month for all of these?
Girl Scout Leaders Day
Administrative Professionals Week
National Volunteers Week
Take your Daughters to Work Day
Hair Stylist Appreciation Day
Arbor Day OK, OK this is a stretch but - who knows!
NOW is the time to start "selling" your gifts and collecting all or 1/2 the $$$ upfront to get your orders in while supplies of the great gift sets last. Luckily we have the most creative, go-give team and we're ready to swap ideas, share scripts and tips. We want to hear from you - share your ideas on-line and I'll pass them along as we work to make HUGE CASH in April!
Girl Scout Leaders Day - contact the local office of the Girl Scouts - create gift certificates for mailings this month - team-up to create special pampering sessions. When someone sells you girl scout cookies ask for her Leader's name
National Volunteer Week - THIS IS HUGE! Make a list of every volunteer opportunity in your community - the library, the schools (Pre-school through High School), hospitals, nursing homes, and Call the volunteer coordinator. Brainstorm. If they have a budget - team-up to create a great gift presentation. No budget? Offer gift certificates for a complimentary facial and $10 FREE at their appointment. Offer to host a pampering session at the next meeting. The possibilities are endless.
Administrative Professionals Week Contact businesses now and line-up your gift service. The offer beautiful gifts that make a beautiful presentation. Work NOW to line-up your orders, collect the $$$$ and get your products in stock!
Arbor Day - HELP - bet someone can find a fun way to promote this one!
Take Daughters to Work Day. Mother/Daughter Makeovers spring to mind
Hair Stylist Appreciation Day. Offer a special Hair Stylist Special for the month of April on Satin Hands, Dcollet and Hand Treatment .
I bet YOU can come up with some other CREATIVE IDEAS for SELLING this month!!