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Happy day to all of you Believin' Achievin' Champions! You are Red Hot and Ready to Rock On to Red Jacket. . .Career Car. . . Director's Suit!  The happy calls just keep coming! Think about this!!!  Deb Pike lives in Omaha.  What wonderful food for thought!!
Good Morning Million $ Women!  Ever wonder why nurses leave their profession ?  It is because of burn out is very interesting!   It is the same reason we teachers and secretaries leave our professions!  Where is the FUN?  Where is the feeling of being APPRECIATED?  Do you know since I joined Mary Kay for the last 20 years, I have felt fulfilled, people thank me daily, and I  have so much FUN doing this business!  PLUS, they pay me so much money for having this much FUN and the FLEXIBILITY. Mary Kay's plan works to its ultimate when we are out there pampering the people and making them pretty!  We have no screaming administrators, angry parents, ungrateful students or patients, and LOW paychecks! Mary Kay Works When We Work!  Last month, my income was over $13,000 for March!  I made $15,000 all year as a school teacher at a Business College along with 2 part time teaching positions at night!  I was exhausted!  I loved what I did for people, but I was BROKE!  This is fun work and people love these products! STARVE YOUR FEARS AND FEED YOUR FAITH!  Everytime you pick up the phone to book someone, give out your business card to someone you do not know, or tell the marketing plan to someone, YOU ARE FEEDING YOUR FAITH!  You see, activity feeds our faith in this business!  It does not matter what the results are, its only important that we believe, have fun and keep going!  INACTIVITY will feed your fear!  So, let's get busy talking to the people and sharing our fun! You get paid in proportion to the amount of people you help in Mary Kay!  How many people have you helped with their new Spring Look this month? How many people have you shared the Marketing Plan with this month?  How many business cards with samples have you passed out? The Good News  is that we still have 2 whole weeks left this month and  we can make miracles happen if we believe we can! Do you believe? I believe in you!  Make a decision and make your decision right!  You can do whatever your set your mind and your heart to doing! Go for it! Deb Pike, Ex.Sr. Director
For the many years I've been in Mary Kay, I've tried and tried to describe Seminar, the reasons to go, and the benefits you'll receive. Please read! And then make the decision to join us!  I'll be giggling with giddiness when you email me and tell me you're going! 
I hope that every consultant reading this has already made the decision to be in Dallas for Seminar!!!  What a celebration we will share!!!  For me to repeat what you are about to read would be useless.  I will challenge you to be firm with your team members who do not know the importance.  Get your team there.  Wonder which team will have the most attendees?  
This IS A FIRST COME BASIS, SO DO NOT DELAY (send in your Registration TODAY!).  Even if at the end, an arena seat opens, you will have to be qualified to take it. I always observe the negative whirlwind that surrounds any woman who chooses not to be at a Company event.  Invisible to you, Clear to me.  It makes a difference.  Get registered today!  Love, Pam Shaw

Thank you also Mary Beth Slattum, Pearl Seminar Miss Go Give 1999...
Many of you are so thrilled about our upcoming seminar and already planning to attend and I also received a few ?'s I would like to answer for you.  The most common question involves the cost and the feeling you cannot afford it.  Please listen with open ears and my heart:  I know what a conference like seminar can do for your life and business and would not lead you into a place that would not tremendously benefit you.
Dian C. was in major debt I mean bigtime and borrowed the $ for seminar, she is a successful Mk director,
Carloyn B. says she just did what ever I told her to do (haha) and she is a successful director.
Judy McCoy Borrowed all the $ her 1st seminar and went back a director in a Pink Car and went on the be #1 director 6 times and now a national.  OK Ok , My sister Susan will earn over $300,000 in the next 3-5 years in an Ob /gyn practice wow lots of $ -- she has paid the price, 4 years college and tuition, 4 years med school and loans and 4 more years at 35K while doing a residency at 80-120 hrs per week ,with husband a 2 children 3and 8. My point, she could not afford to go to school nor could my parents pay for it (trust me I paid for 10 years on my college loans_smile).  Now is it worth it YES YES YES!!!!  You will have to make a plan and sell 4 extra Time Wise this week for registration and then 4 more for banquets and then 8 for the plane ticket. CAN YOU DO IT, WILL YOU DO IT ?  What I love about God is He gives us all the ability and then it is our choice.  I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT !!!! Please decide to think in abundance versus lack and you will create energy and excitement and perpetuate success!!!  I love working with such future forward thinking leaders and find a way make a way women, You are the BEST!!! xoxoxox