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AAW -- Lunchtime Facial Promotion

Image result for women in office lunch room

Thanks to Pam Tull for sharing this!!
1) Write down 10 - 12 local businesses (banks, doctor's offices, real estate offices, schools, etc)
2) Write them down on slips of paper and put into a basket!
3) Draw a Winner....call and say, "Your office just won the Lunchtime Facial Promotion...it's a special treat for all the women in your office. We bring lunch and they get pampered over the lunch hour!" (keep the lunch simple...croissants & lunchmeat)
4) Work with the receptionist/office manager - she can help you line it up (give her a gift for doing that)!
5) Do Miracle Set or Satin Hands/Lips - whatever the time allows....some offices have a 3 hour lunch span....11 - 12, 12 - 1, 1 - 2....you could have 3 sittings.
The idea is to get in front of NEW FACES!
Note: If they ask how did we win this...you say, "All area businesses were put into a special drawing"....(and that's the truth!)
What if you work and can't do this....here's Laura's twist.....get a helper in the office who you have coached, to do the back of the hand Miracle Facial, close and take the lunch in. (you deliver the lunch to her the day before!) With the Close, she will encourage them to shop because she will get one set FREE herself with say every 5 sets she sells! Spring is Sprung...let's go girls!