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Last year I went to Seminar a BRAND NEW CONSULTANT and this year I'm going as a SALES DIRECTOR! Consultants -- you cannot afford to miss it! 

Jessica Mears
 ditto! I barely knew how to hold a skin care class! Last year i went as a pretend red jacket, with 2 real consultants and 1 i signed the night before leaving. Now I am a free car driving sales director!

Every consultant in Mary Kay land is asking that question right now. I remember so vividly, 5 years ago when my Director told me to plan on going to seminar.
a.. I really wanted more from this MK thing, but had flown once before, so I was very nervous (& excited) PS I threw up on the way there!!!  Great start!
b.. WE WERE BROKE!!!!!
c.. I had just signed up in May and didn't know what they were even talking about.
d. I had no savings AND my car blew up on the interstate just a short time before this had we had to buy a new one or pay lots of money for a new engine, so I didn't want to leave to stop working!
e. I had no other job bringing in income so that was very sketchy at best, and Paul's wasn't making it.
Now, honestly, what would you be thinking?  I had only been with the company around 1 month at this point..... wouldn't you question the soundness of that decision? 
Did I intend for Mary Kay to be my life's work?  I wanted it too.  Yes! Was I nervous?  Oh yes!!!!   Did I go?  YES!   Think about this for a minute.....your future lies in your thought process surrounding this......Your future will always be in the Yes's of this business,  never in the no's.  NOTE:  Once I DECIDED to go, I got very excited & went to WORK!  I also TOOK MY HUSBAND, which was the BEST thing I ever did...he & I could have flown home from Seminar without a plane.  Before we even stepped back on the plan, my husband Paul said, "How many classes do you have on your books and I think you should really do this!"  YIPPEE!  I WAS PUMPED!   IT CHANGED MY LIFE!  My husband saw the bigger picture, we BOTH knew MK was our future & we went home, won our car nine months later & I became a director four months after that!  AM I GLAD I WENT?  YES YES YES YES YES!  Am I glad I spent the "extra" money to take my husband?  YES YES YES!  Please bring your husband, there are TONS of men there & they will be so impressed!  Even if you think you can't afford it, or he is already supportive...HE NEEDS TO GO!  Make it a mini vacation!  I  share this because it is so easy to look at me and look at the other Directors and assume......assume that the road was easier than yours.....assume that they couldn't possibly know what you are going through and how it feels to leave your children, to raise the money when you are soooo in debt....to leave home in the middle of one of life's difficult passages..........are you with me? Why would I want to share all of this with you?   Because........when you decide to make a way,,,....find a way.....and join us at seminar.....You will look at Lynn with your eyes wide with amazement and voice inaudibly the words....."Thank you"  and you will both know what you  mean!   You will be thankful  because.........
a.. You will have a new vision for what YOU will be able to do with your business
b.. You will no longer question whether or not this business is for you
c.. You will learn how to save time and manage time better
d.. Your energy level will increase dramatically for your goals
e.. Your income will double, if not quadruple with the training you receive
f..  Your thinking will transcend from the "maybes" to the "will"
g.. You will meet women who will inspire you to new heights of thinking and acting
h.. You will learn about your products and gain a new found confidence in sharing them
i..  You will make very special friendships with women who will share the career path with you AND you will have more fun than you can possibly imagine!
If your current boss told you that a business seminar would take place this summer and you would be expected to go....you would simply make the arrangements.  This is exactly what I want you to do with Seminar.  Please don't question what will be the most life changing few days  in your career.  Make the arrangements. The only acceptable reasons for not attending are death and dilation.  :-) Your future is much too important  to ignore this.   We want you there with us.  Remember Successful people are" find a way, make a way" women.  They have complications, they have stresses, yet they base their decisions on the future and what it holds, not the present obstacles. I can't wait to here Lynn tell your story, full of obstacles, that will inspire the masses next year at this time....and it will all boil down to the fact that you simply made the arrangements and went to Seminar.  Sending encouragement and Faith your way!!!!! Go to the web and register as soon as you are elligible and then email Lynn and let her know that you did!!  Those who show up.....Go up!!!  
Paula Johnson