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What are the Odds.. by Coach Ann Vertel
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What Are the Odds?

Building a business is more exciting than I ever thought it would be. It's also harder than I ever thought it would be as well. On a day when it all seems to be crashing in, it can feel utterly overwhelming, especially when trying to dig yourself out of debt or support your family.

It's hard to keep going especially when it seems hopeless. Of course, if it were easy to build a financially successful business everyone would be doing it. The statistics tell us that a very small percentage actually make it.

Never tell me the odds!  There have been numerous times when just quitting and getting a "regular job" would have seemed the logical thing to do but I never did. I knew that would be the end and any dreams of extraordinary financial success would be over. We all know that what you can earn with a job is finite - no more and no less, relatively speaking. You trade your time for money in an amount determined by the employer. They tell you what you're worth.

My definition of failure, since starting my own business, has always been "quitting or not learning." As long as I'm learning from my mistakes, as long as I keep moving forward, as long as I strive to be better than I was the day before, I am winning.

In your business, how many make it to the top? Some might stick around for a few years and then go off and do other things. If you're not it business to "give it a try" and you're in this to establish long term financial gain, you can not quit...ever. And if you've made up your mind to never quit, then you must approach your business single mindedly - there is no "plan B" and what you do daily multiplies over the long haul.

If you want a glimpse of your future, look at your daily habits. Your future is built on those. Seriously - it's not your will or desire or dream or vision that gets you there. Those are critical strategies, but they mean nothing if you don't back them up with the tactics of daily action.

Your biggest clue to your future financial success is in the action steps you take today, and tomorrow, and the next day. You can do just about anything for a day.

Just for today, you could approach your business as if it were the last day you had to prove that you could make a go of it. And you can wake up tomorrow and do it again, couldn't you?

Each day you "win" you are building a lifelong story to the top. And that would totally defy the odds.

Now go be a millionaire!