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Words by Mary Kay! (10/9/04)
Words of Wisdom From Mary Kay

Some people have funny ideas about success. They think that successful people never suffer defeats or discouragement or setbacks. They equate success with some make-believe perfect life in which nothing ever goes wrong. Well, how naive, how totally and completely unrealistic if we are vainly searching for the classic fairy-tale ending "and they lived happily ever after." But success is a progressive realization of worthwhile, predetermined personal goals and a very different thing from the Mother Goose concept of perpetual bliss. Success in everybody's life requires conflict, problems, challenges, roadblocks and occasional failure in order that the reached goal may be satisfying and rewarding and self-fulfilling. Sometimes it is the knowledge of the bitter taste of defeat that makes winning so exhilarating. It is overcoming, a genuine test of courage, strength, ability, endurance, perseverance and belief that strengthens us and makes us proud of our accomplishments...Sometimes we are prone to see and hear and read about successful people without ever realizing that they first had to overcome adversity to earn what they have. The lives of most famous people bear the scars of obstacles and conflicts and struggles. ..Successful people have earned their spot in life, just as you must earn yours. So if you are thinking of all the obstacles and roadblocks that you have and thinking that other people did not have them, erase this from your mind. It is not true. They, too, have overcome insurmountable obstacles to attain the success that they enjoy today. (Speech Topic Book)

THE ROSE                                                   

The rose is a special symbol in Mary Kay.                                       
This beautiful rose represents YOU!
It's COLOR represents your positive attitude.                                 
It's VELVETY TEXTURE represents your caring
       and sharing toward others.                                                          
It's GREEN LEAVES represent your personal growth.
It's THORNS represent the challenges you will overcome.                                    
It's STEM represents your inner strength.
It's SCENT, of course, is the sweet scent of your SUCCESS!                              

1. Verbal or written affirmations
2.  Quality Time
3.  Acts of Service
4.  Gifts
5.  Touch

The Seven Ages of Women                                                    
At 20 she wants to wake up romantic.                        `             
At 30 she wants to wake up married.                            `            
At 40 she wants to wake up successful.                        `          
At 50 she wants to wake up rich.                                   `          
At 60 she wants to wake up contented.                            `       
At 70 she wants to wake up healthy.                                 `         
At 80 she just wants to wake up!                                        `     
And at any age, she needs makeup!                                   `     

From birth to 14 she needs
good health & good parents.
From 14 to 40 she needs
good looks
From 40 to 60 she needs
From 60 on, what she needs
is CASH!

Chinese Proverb:
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.                                                                    
If you want happiness for a week, go on a honeymoon.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune or win the lottery.                            
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help people through a Mary KayCareer.

Give a Woman a facial and she will look good for ONE DAY.
Teach her to use the products, and she will look good for a LIFETIME.
Teach her to teach others, and she will be able to support herself
financially and emotionally for a LIFETIME

Six Business-Building Tips from Mary Kay Ash
The Golden Rule Imagine how much better our world would be if everyone lived by this creed.
A Delicate Balance God first, family second, career third and good things are bound to follow.
The Six Most Important Things List Plan your work and work your plan
Make Me Feel Important Always remember that invisible sign around the neck of everyone you meet.
Nothing is constant but change Although change entails uncertainty, it also brings opportunity.
Have a Sense of Humor As long as we can laugh, everything will be just fine.

"I'm fully convinced that the difference between successful and unsuccessful people simply is the extraordinary determination to forge ahead despite all obstacles and problems.  Everybody has problems; only those who quit fail."

"It's  not so much what happens to us as how we react to what happens that makes the difference.  Cultivate the happy side of life.  Have you ever stopped to think about how, when something really bad happens to us, we later see that it really happened for the best?  That's so often true.  So look for the silver lining in that cloud.  It's there!"
"Enter and live each day with a positive, expectant attitude and maintain that attitude even through difficulties.  Visualize a year filled with accomplishments and the realization of your goals.  Filling your mind with positive expectancy and focusing on what you plan to accomplish provide energy that multiplies when you set a desired goal and work toard it"

"The great American philosopher William James said, 'Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture.' When difficulties and obstacles come, tie a know and hang on to your belief in yourself and your ability!"

"Where there's a will, there's a way"

"I want you to aim for the moon and to remember that even if you miss, you will land among the beautiful stars."

" Faith is wanting something with all your heart.  Faith is taking a chance on something before you are sure how everything will work out."

" Almost anything can be accomplished by the person who really wants to succeed.  But no woman will ever believe she can move a mountain unless she really wants that mountain to move.  Apply this definition of faith to your dreams."

" I know that my legacy is assured.  The Company has my name, but it also has a life of its own.  And its life's blood is the philosophy that many thousands of women have made a part of their lives.  They embody that philosophy of sharing and giving -- and as such, it will always live on."

"To begin, you must know what you want. Many people fail because they neglect to visualize in detail what they are trying to achieve.  If you really want your dreams to come true, you will plan, orgainze, reorganize and work until you get what you want. You never really fail until you stop wanting."

"It's sad that many people never commit their lives to something that has the prospect of greatness because they fear failure.  Many people deliberately set their goals too low to reduce the possibility of disappointment.  Obviously our goals must be realistic but high enough so that success causes us to stretch."

"You also must dare to risk public criticism.  It's true that most projects are criticized by negative people, but you must turn deaf ears to this criticism."

"I remember when Mary Kay Cosmetics was just a dream in my heart.  My attorney told me I must not risk my life's savings on this project, especially since I was a grandmother and had no experience in the cosmetics business.  And for added encouragement, he even showed me a pamphlet which reported how many cosmetics companies went broke every morning."

"My accountant said, "You cannot give the kind of commissions you are proposing.  You'll go broke!:  Another cosmetics company offered to buy our formulations during our second month in business.  Now we outsell them by a great margin each year!  So you must dare.  Remember, mountain-moving faith is not just dreaming and desiring; it is also daring to risk failure." 

"Now you must begin, for "beginning is half done."  We all know people who think great ideas and dream daring dreams who never get started.  Even if you don't have all the details worked out in our mind, start.  The pieces will fall into place." 

"Give it all you've got.  When we expect to win, we don't hold anything back.  Most people fail not because they lack ability, intelligence or opportunity.  They just fail to give their all.  When you expect success, you sink your last dime and spend your second wind and energy, confident you'll make it.  It is this extreme dedication that can lead to success." 

"Praise people to success.  We cannot criticize people to success. Criticism is futile because it makes a person defensive. It injures a person's sense of importance and arouses resentment. On the other hand, praise evokes a positive response and increases his or her feeling or importance." 

"Build a feeling of importance in every person you meet.  Pretend each person has a sign around his or her neck that says, 'Make me feel important.' Give them your full attention with eye contact, warmth and a smile." 
"Become genuinely interested in people.  Read everything you can find that will help you to develop your ability to deal with people.  Remember, your income will depend on this.." 

"As we journey through life, the most valuable assets we carry with us are our integrity; our reputation; the good, honest name upon which we can build our future in business.  Integrity is the calling card we leave behind when we are gone.  It is the one trait our customers remember most often when they think of us.  When they believe in us, they believe in our product.  And when they believe in our product, they guarantee our success." 

"Every single one of us has the power to inspire others as well as to be inspired." 

"It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, 'Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of yourself.' When we give of ourselves, we give gifts of the heart, like love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy and forgiveness. We give of ourselves when we give words of encouragement, inspiration and guidance."

A Lesson From Mary Kay on Booking

"Never give up, because you never know if the next try is going to be the one that works. Many times you will be surrounded by adversity, but no matter what, dont give up. Success is just around the corner for the person who refuses to quit. I remember how much courage it takes to ask that tenth person to become a Consultant or to book a class when the first nine said no. If that tenth person says yes, you cant wait to make that next call to talk to somebody else! Thats how success inspires you."

Mary Kay Ash