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Would it make a difference in your lifestyle if: Climb Until Your Dream Comes True...
From: Darlene Rutledge


1. You didn't have to make a car payment?

2. You only had to pay $10-$15 a month for insurance?

3. The company you represent bought your license plates?

4. You were always driving a new car every two years?

5. You never had to buy tires?

6. You could sell your old car and keep the money?

7. You caught your husband bragging to his friends that YOU had just earned the family car?

8. Your children told all their friends what an awesome and successful Mom you were?

9. Every time you got behind the wheel you felt the WINNING FEELING?

10. You added $10,000 a year to the family budget?

11. You have the option of moving into management as a director?


What if your boss came to you this year and said he would give you a $10,000 raise if you put in FOUR more hours a week at the office. Would you do it?  Okay, then why wouldn't you do it for yourself in your Mary Kay business!  Only FOUR hours a week* can add up to an additional $10,000 to your annual income!


Have a GREAT day!  Love, Barbara

Often your tasks will be many
And more than you think you can do.
And often that road will be rugged
And the hills insurmountable too.
But always remember, the hills ahead
Are never as steep as they seem.
And with faith in your heart start upward
And climb til you reach your dream.
For nothing in life that is worthy,
Is ever hard to achieve,
If you have the courage to try
And the faith to believe.
Our faith is the mover of mountains.
Theres nothing God cannot do.
So start out today with faith in your heart
And climb til your dream comes true.

From Mary Kay Ashs
Deep in The Heart Seminar Speech