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Business Tips - WOW! Do you need to be inspired? The Impression You Didn't Know You Were Making
...Read on!!!

Wow Wow Wow...Sales have been going great. It is amazing what a person can do when they set their mind to do it.  I started with Mary Kay in December thinking that my husband had at least 6- to 7 months to live from his cancer.  I had plans of growing my Mary Kay business with his wonderful support. 
Sometimes life throws a curve ball.
  He passed away January 8th.  I was a wreck emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  I thought to myself how in world am I going to continue to run the homeless shelter, which is a full time plus job, and continue to make my Mary Kay business successful.  I spent a few weeks trying to find myself again.  Spent a few weeks trying to figure out how to be single mom, work full time, and still find the time to support my son's emotional needs.  One night sitting at the computer it came to me.  I could do this.  My husband had full faith in me.  He will still be here to help me.  So I came up with a plan.......

Every Saturday night I set my goals.
  I tell myself how much I will sell each week and do it.  I package together sets of everything from color 101 to body care to velocity to timewise.  Sometimes I get very inspired and put together unique sets.  I pack them into my old igloo insulated chest put it in the back of the durango and sell everything I have packed for the week.  I make sure that I pack my goal in the chest every week.  By the end of the week I make sure that it is empty.  Every person I meet I treat as a Preferred Client.  No person is a stranger.  I don't call any person a customer, they are my Preferred Client!  As consultants we are for some people a confidant, they tell us all of there beauty flaws as they would a friend.  so we should treat them as a such.  Many women are so busy now days.  I am one of those busy women.  So I approach women in a way to let them know that I will not take up to much valuable time.  I stop in, show them a few items, leave a few samples, make a few sales, and leave.
  Always, Always follow up.  I call them a few days later for a very quick follow up.  Some women will say ' I don't know if I will like it' or my face is so sensitive' or 'I use X brand'.  I leave them a set of timewise and tell them I will hold your check for 1 week.  If you do not like the wonderful timewise set I will stop in pick it up and return your check.  So far not one women as returned a  set.  They all love it. 

So every Saturday I set my goal, put together sets, pack it, and sell, sell, sell. 

Some little secrets I have learned on the way....

1. Never pay your bills by mail...stop in at the water dept, electric dept, insurance company, bank, hospital, and so on.  If you have to mail a bill drop in a business card with a note saying go to web site and give yourself a virtual make-over.  You are special to me and I will ship you your new look. 

2.  Turn yourself into a walking, talking, mobile show room.  I paint my nails all different shades.  Make sure I wear a different fragrance every day.  Keep a custom compact in purse at all times.  And make sure that I look great when I leave my home.  Even if I am going to the gym.  Make sure you have a Satin Hands hand cream
in your purse at all times too. 

3.  I use the
Mary Kay checks.
  I write a check for everything.  Great conversation starter.

4.  Always leave
a business card.
  Everywhere, anytime, all the time. 

5.  Always smile.  No matter how bad you feel inside you put on a smile.  By the end of the day you will feel better.  I know this all too well.  Even if you are crying inside, smile.
  Even if you know you crawl into bed and hide, smile.  I can tell you have been through many things the past few months.  When I smile it all seems to be better. 

6.  We live in America.  The land of the free. 
As women in America we can put our chin up.  We can be beautiful.  We can prosper.  We can live. 

7.  Let your family help you.
  Saturday night is time for my 5 year old son and I to get together.  He helps me put together sets and pack them.  Kids can be very creative...such as using little rose stickers on all the vinyl packs, he loves to put together what I call the 'quickie facial bag;'  it is a sample of timewise cleanser and moisturizer with a color select card and of course my business card put into a little bag.  I give them out to everyone I meet and then call them the next day or stop by and bring a set of the samples they tried. 

8.  Never under estimate the Power of Mary Kay.  Many women of told me they use X brand.  I tell them that is wonderful.  Did you know that Mary Kay is the #1 brand for quality, satisfaction, and affordability.
  Let me leave you a few samples and you can judge for yourself.  I am sure you will fall in love with Mary Kay products that is why they are #1!!!

I could probably go on for pages...  Thank You Mary Kay... Thank You Candi. 
I pray to walk across the stage this July.  I know that my husband will be proud and watching on.  I will have my pink cadillac!!!  I will, I will, I can, I can!!

Samantha Cohan
Independent Consultant

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Several years ago I had something happen that you've probably experienced too-in one way or another.  There was a woman I didn't know well - she was a dance instructor for our daughter.  We were at a large event where many of the students from the studio were performing and, taking a quick trip to the ladies room, I walked past a private hallway where I glimpsed this woman with one of her own children.  She had her daughter's arm in a death-grip and was angrily leaning down into her face, cussing (really!, vulgar language) and chewing the girl out.  Over time, I saw that this instructor made a sincere effort to present herself as a loving, affectionate instructor with her students.  However, I never forgot the vision of her as an outraged, cursing, angry mom yanking her daughter's arm.  To me, that's who she really was.  She didn't know that anyone glimpsed that hallway moment, but the impression never left me and it seriously colored my opinion of her personality and character.
So let's talk about our business.  It's actually not a big task to present a positive, professional, polished image when we know we're going to be "seen" as a Mary Kay consultant, right?  I mean, we wouldn't wear shorts and sandals to a skin care class.  We wouldn't show up at a Success Meeting in our jogging clothes or use a disrespectful tone when conducting a phone conversation with a customer.  At those times, we're aware that we're making an impression and we work to make it a good one!
But what about all the times we're seen or heard and we think we're not in "Mary Kay mode"?  What about the hours we spend at our other job?  At church?  At our children's schools? At neighborhood gatherings?  On the phone with service people, teachers, fellow committee or class members?  At the park?  At the gym? At the grocery store?  At the mall?.............Do you know that we are making an impression on people every day?  We can be "part time" with our Mary Kay business but there's no "part way" option.  People are going to see us as a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant whether we're working or we aren't.
This all became very apparent to me the other day when a team member was asked, by one of her customers whom we were interviewing, "How do you know Patty?"  The consultant shared (first time I'd heard this!) that the first time she noticed me was early on a Saturday morning last fall - at a parent's meeting for the high-school musical production.  We didn't speak, but she noticed when I came into the theatre that (unlike all the other parents in their Saturday sweat-suits, T-shirts and cut-offs!) I was wearing a dress and makeup and had my hair done.  She said she immediately thought, "I wonder what she does - to look so sharp on a Saturday morning!"  Six or seven months later when we actually met each other and I offered her a facial, she said she remembered that first impression and had confidence doing business with me AND already had some curiosity about the Mary Kay business as a result!
I don't really remember the Saturday morning - but I'm sure I considered wearing shorts!  I'm so glad I didn't - because I was making an impression for Mary Kay Cosmetics that I didn't know I would be making!
Does this mean that if you're a scrub nurse, you start wearing a business suit into the operating room??  A dress and perfect hair to the gym to work out??  Pumps and pantyhose to the park to push your child in the swing??
Of course not.  But it does mean that we owe it to our own business AND to the reputation of the company we represent to always make that extra effort to "be" Mary Kay even when we're not officially conducting business.  Every time we step outside our  house there's a chance we'll be making an impression on someone.
Let's make the effort to ensure it's a good one!
Big Hugs!--Patty
Patty Olson
Independent Future Executive Sr. Sales Director
Mary Kay Cosmetics