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Table of Contents previous


AUG 2: Cheerleaders - Tailgate party!



AUG 1: National Court of Sales:
Do you realize if you started August 1st, and sold $10 on day 1 (August 1) , then $11 on day 2 (August 2), $12 on day 3 (August 3), and so on, each day selling one more dollar than the day before, you will have the Court of Sales done on May 1st, with $40,141, which leaves almost 2 months to move up in the ranking of the Court.
This might be helpful for those of us who cannot visualize 360 ..... $100 days.

AUG 6: National Pamper Yourself Day
AUG 9:
College Care packs - Back to School

AUG 25: I know it's still hot out but it's time to start focusing on your Corporate sales. One corporate sale could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Kind of like real estate, it may take a bit more effort to get a deal but when you do it can be a BIG payoff!! Decide NOW! How much do you want to sell in Holiday Corporate Sales? Do you have a few bills that you want paid off? What about booking a Holiday vacation for your family? What about paying CASH for your Christmas this year? What about taking a big chunk out of your Court of Sales goal with one big order? It pays if you work it.....no one knows what you have until you tell them....help them to think a new thought...MARY KAY IS A PERFECT GIFT FOR CLIENTS AND EMPLOYEES!!


AUG 29:SALES AND BOOKINGS from FORMER Customers? You bet!#BeAStar#TheRaceIsOn#GetReadyGetSetSellGet these postcards in the mail ASAP....

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