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RECRUIT: 96 Day Plan RECRUIT: We didn't spend $60,000 on College for You to Peddle Lipstick...
96 Day Focus - NSD Debi Moore
I love the suggestion to make this your MK "boss" every day for the rest of this year!!  Look what we could accomplish!
#9 tells you to order 8 MK pins and lay them out to remind you how many recruits you need.  At our Monday Night Meeting, fabulous Sr. Director Joyce Robinson told us to wear 5 MK pins wherever you went and when people asked you about them to tell them that the Company has asked you to tell 5 women this week about what Mary Kay has to offer Today's Woman, would they be willing to listen! Have an AWESOME APRIL! Debra

From: Colleen Satkowiak
Print this and use it as your Tasks assigned to you and work with it as if it had been given to you from your "Boss" on another job.  Work with it as if it depended on whether you get your pay check on pay day or not because do you know what . . . Mary Kay IS kind of the same . . . if you don't show up for "work", you don't get paid.  This can be a FUN assignment with GREAT results!  You can do anything for 96 days and . . . just imagine where you can be by the end of June, by the end of our current Seminar year!  WOW!  Mary Kay always said, "Plan your work and work your plan".  Here is your plan!  Hop to it:) Love, Judy

Just a quick training message for you from Detroit Career conference- from our #1 National Sales Director at the Conference, Debi Moore. 

Ever feel like you want more from your Mary Kay business and need a roadmap to focus on?  It's a common challenge...Debi told us on Saturday that there were 101 days left in our Seminar year (it ends June 30), now there are 96 days left -- here is a great "to do" list for daily and weekly activity: 

        1.    Talk to one new woman a day, get her name and follow up
        2.    Hold 3 selling appointments a week (any type-classes, facials, on the go, whatever!)
        3.    Set a weekly sales goal and commit to it!
        4.    Become a tape "addict" - listen to a positive MK tape everyday (I have lots of them if you need them)
        5.    Tell 2 women a week about the MK career opportunity
        6.    Invite one person a day to your weekly success "girlfriend time" event 
         7.    Carry the Section #1 products with you in a vinyl bag, that come in the Starter Kit.  They are: 1 of each:  Timewise cleanser & moisturizer, Velocity cleanser & moisturizer, Endless performance black mascara, Oil Free Eye Make up remover, triple action lip enhancer & a Day & Night Solution Set.  That's $147.50 in FREE retail product!  It's like Mary Kay is paying a new consultant $47.50 (the difference between the free product received and her $100 investment) and she is also getting a Mary Kay "playstation"!  Cute!
        8.    Put a Beauty Consultant agreement in all reorder bags, with a note letting her know how much you would love to work with her!
        9.    Order 8 gold MK logo pins on Section #2 - lay them out where you can see them each day.  This represents your new team members - by having 8 active, you can submit your DIQ card & become a Sales Director - the best career in the world!
        10.  Call [Your name]s HOTLINE AT ______________ everyday!  Staying "plugged in" to positivity is such a key to success!
        11.  Start each day with quiet time, prayer time if you prefer.  The morning is the rudder of your day!

I encourage you to adopt this list as your Mary Kay "boss" everyday!  I promise you, you can have anything in this business for you and your family, when you make this your focus! Hugs and total bee-lief in you,
  Here is a great article. I just couldn't stop reading.. May I suggest that you print it out and then read it..........much easier!
 I  CAN'T WAIT TO GIVE IT TO SOME PROSPECTS!!.. a great great great recruiting article from a skeptic!!
Thank you to Gail Menefee for passing it along.

Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 10:04 AM
Great article about MK in Jane magazine
Caution....this article is sort of unusual....but as Mary Kay herself would have said....they are talking about us!!!  Fun to see how naysayers are quickly won over when they spend time in the space of our fabulous MK women!!
Big hugs, Gail   :)
Elite Exec Sr Director

----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Melissa Smith


It's a big file, but well worth the wait! You can also right click the above link and "save target as" to you computer.  Then after it is on your computer, you can open it faster anytime you want.