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RECRUIT: Exploratory Questions RECRUIT: Handouts (4/22/01)
From: "Creative Selling"

In addition to qualifying, questions can be used to explore prospects' reactions to you and your products. As you describe product benefits and features, pause every now and then to chart your progress. Here's a few examples of what you can ask.
"How am I doing so far?" It's asking for more feedback than just a simple yes or no. Listen to their tone of voice, not just what they say.
If necessary, continue exploring with "How do you feel about ... ?" Get the prospect talking about specifics.
"Have I covered everything thoroughly, is there anything else you would  like me to explain?" Ask them what specifically you can clarify for them. This will help you concentrate on areas that interest or concern them.
"Does this seem like a good solution to your problem?" This question can lead directly to your close.

Here are some files to slip in Reorder Bags, include in Recruiting Packets, or mail to Clients with a "Who do you  know?  What about you?" letter.  I've included the source if I know it...

Marsha Morrissette

 What's In It For Me Pamphlet  CLICK HERE

MKI 2004 Fact Sheet and the Sales Force Interview Tips
  Gloria Mayfield Banks

Click here to view and print the Fact Sheet

Why Sell Mary Kay? (Tina M Wright) CLICK HERE

From: "Layne Yarbrough"
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 6:27 AM
Marketing Brochure
I thought that I would share this, I did this some time ago.  I wanted to find something that I could give to potential recruits that gave some important facts.  I have put these in their orders as well as used them when we are warm chattering. I print this on colored paper, the best color so far that I have used is
a bright yellow.  It seems to stand out more. I hope that this may help someone.  Layne