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RECRUIT: Team Building: "Go Director Fast Plan"

WOW!!  Thanks to CADILLAC DIRECTOR BETH PILAND for an awesome Conference Call class tonight!!  What Beth taught us could be a major jumpstart to your business, IF YOU USE IT!!
Here are her notes.  Make sure you email Lynn when you've got your 12 bookings.  Type her a brief note, too, just like you'd like forwarded to everyone.  Debra

Based on Director Denise Crosby's GO DIRECTOR FAST Class.
First, get a sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise.  At the top of the page on one side write, SKIN CARE CLASSES and on the other side, RECRUITS. She says to imagine that you have rubbed a magic lamp and a genie pops out and says, "write down whomever you wish to recruit or hold a skin care class for  you and they WILL SAY YES."  So obviously, you are writing down sharp people, not alleybats and cooterheads. (that's my expression). THE GOAL IS TO BOOK 12 CLASSES ASAP and you don't stop until you have done that. The conversation with the people goes like this, "Debra, I have been authorized by the company (or my NSD, my Director OR I'm having a Seminar Special, OR I'm having a New Consultant Special, etc) to select 5 women and offer them this amazing opportunity.  The reason I chose you is because you always have a wonderful appearance no matter when and where I see you, you have a warm, loving heart and you are always willing to jump in and help people no matter what the cost is to you.  Because of these qualities, if you will get 4 women, 18 and older, non-MK users, together, I can offer you all the MK you want at half-price, which is my cost, when you have a party for me.  The only stipulations are that you hold the party on the original scheduled date b/c my calendar is packed full, and that you have $250.00 in sales." The 3 sincere compliments are the KEY TO THE WHOLE BOOKING TECHNIQUE.  This is Stacy James input to Denise.  I believe she knows of what she speaks. This coupled with the unlimited product offer cinches the deal. During the close, you have your roll-up bag that you romance, followed by the miracle set.  If they choose the roll-up bag they get to hostess their own 50% class with their 4 ladies, and 10% OFF ALL THEIR REORDERS FROM THE CONSULTANT FOREVER AS WELL AS BEING ON HER PERFERRED CUST. LIST.  If they buy the miracle set, they get to hostess their own 50% scc with 4 ladies.  Can't you see that they will jump on this b/c they want to get the rest of the roll up bag at 50% discount.  CAN YOU GET EXCITED????????????
Another requirement....  You must get 2 interviews set up with your director, 3-way phone call, whatever, from each scc.  With 12 scc, that is 24 interviews, and from that comes 8 NEW RECRUITS, AND THERE IS DIQ. WOW!!!!! .......

Love, Beth