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RECRUIT: Setting Up the Interview

From: C.  BEE Johnson

David Cooper Scripts - Recruiting Appt..... (From DC tapes, per Bees notes)

Remember.... 3 goals per class....

1. How many Sets can I sell?

2. How many Bookings can I get?

3. Who will be my Interview at the end of this class?

.....after the sale is closed, and 2nd appt. booked.....

25 Second Recruiting Appointment Approach.

 _________, there's just one more thing I would like to say, because I believe it. .....

I believe that (touch) YOU would be good in Mary Kay.... I really do. With the proper training, don't you believe that you could do MOST of the things you just saw me do? It would only take about 20 - 25 minutes for me to show you how E-E-EASY it is to get started, and how SIMPLE it can be for me to HELP you earn an extra $1,000 -1,200 - 1,500 CA-A-A-ASH part-time your first 30 days.  __________, would an extra $1,000 or more per month be helpful on a consistent basis right now? .....S-S..... (Breathe in) - My schedule is kinda tight ....    Could ... could you stay for just a few minutes after the class tonight? - or would tomorrow around noon really seem e-e-easier for you? 

Whichever seems easier for you will be fine with me.

From: Pederdahn 


*"Mary Kay may or may not be right for you, and that's ok. If after 10 minutes you don't want to hear anymore of what I have to say, we'll call it a coffee date! At the very worst, we'll have a great time sipping coffee together! But, if it IS for you, and MK could change your life and give you a career opportunity like it did for me when I was unsuspecting and thought I had no interest, I will be thrilled to have extended that invitation to you.!"

I promise you ... if you will use this script at EVERY appointment/pull out those profile cards and quit pre-judging and call those clients...set up a "winterizing" session ... and do this (remember, the closer they are to the products, the stronger the probability of a new team mate)...you will build a team...a STRONG, EXCITING, WORKING, CARING, GROWING TEAM!!!!

Great Script for Recruiting

From Career Conference 2001

Executive Sr Sales Director Kelly Willard-Johnson

Script:  after the usual phone introductions

"If you can spare a minute? I'm really excited!  The Company is grooming me for a management position.  I'm scared and nervous and I need your help.  Is there any reason why I couldn't borrow your brain for about 30 minutes?  I need you to critique me.  I know you're not personally interested, which is why I value your opinion even more.  Which would be better for you (giving two choices within a time frame you have set for yourself to meet your goal)

Offer a discount on her next order IF interview is done within the time frame you have chosen, such as:  one item at 1/2 price; if she watches the new "Consider the Possibilities" video, perhaps a 10% discount on her next purchase, 25% discount if her significant other watches it with her (or whatever amount of discount you choose, thats why we are in business for ourselves).

Go to the interview with the attitude of recruiting.  Say to her, "Can I run through the information as if it weren't practice?"

Here's a different way to approach inviting women to a guest function (weekly meetings or Saturday career brunch):

It's my policy to honor women who have helped my business (be it highest reorder for the week, hostess, or just because you thought of her).  I'm calling to invite you to a celebration of women.  You need to qualify, and I have a list:  overworked, overcommitted, overstressed, overtired, underappreciated, under pampered or underpaid.  Do any of those fit you?  (Hopefully she will tell you which one), which would be better for you, a pampering time on Monday night (or whenever your weekly meeting is), or a Girls' Morning out? (Referring to Sat. Brunch) -- if these days don't work, you can have your own celebration at your home.

"It's going to be a lot of fun!  You'll meet new friends and learn a lot.  And it will be a win-win situation, because I'll be one step closer to meeting my goal.

Tell her what to expect and how to dress so she won't feel uncomfortable when she gets there.

From: pederdahn

How to Set Up an Interview

Hi . This is ----- with Mary Kay Cosmetics. Do you have a minute? I am so excited! I have chosen to move into a mid-management position with our company.  Part of my training is to share the Mary Kay marketing plan with five sharp women like you. I dont know if this is anything you have ever considered before, but I think you'd be great because (give her a sincere compliment-knows so many people, wears her makeup so well...).  Could we meet for a cup of coffee and let me share some facts about how I think Mary Kay could fit into your busy schedule so you could make an extra $100-$500 a week?  If you decide after hearing the facts that MK is not for you now, then you can be my headhunter to find other sharp women like yourself.  You'll get $50 in free products if they sign up and become qualified.  When is good time for us to meet...how about during your lunch hour?

From: Tracy Potter

Booking the Interview.....

__________, hi, this is ________ with Mary Kay, do you have a minute? I am so excited... Im moving up into the next management position with Mary Kay and I need to get others input regarding our career, and I really need your help. It may be something youre interested in, and it may not, Linda but I really need to get the opinion of someone in the _________ (banking, retail, medical, tech, etc.) industry, and you are my first choice -- It will only take about 30 minutes - and Im willing to pay you for your time!! Either I can join you on your lunch hour and buy you lunch, or you can have any item in our line for 50% off.. or I can give you a gift.... WHICH would you prefer?

DONE DEAL -- it's booked!!! The car is being manufactured -- the suit is being sewn -- the Cadillac is turning pink 


SCRIPTING makes the difference -- CARE enough to BE PREPARED!!!

1. Make a decision that you WILL book from every class

2. At EVERY appointment 3 things -- SELL -- BOOK -- OFFER OPPORTUNITY

3. CORRECT booking approach - ".....at every appt I look for 1-2 women that I would want to work with again, and Veronica, I really would love to work with you, I think together we could hold a FANTASTIC MK party!........

EXCELLENCE.  Nothing Less. Excellence Takes Courage -- Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise;  risking more than others think is safe;  dreaming more than others think is practical;  and expecting more than others think is possible.

God bless you -- God bless America

"Do not become weary in well doing, for at the proper time you WILL reap the harvest IF you do not give up."  Gal 6:9