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SEP 4: Fall into Fabulous Color postcard

Gina Shetzer

I use this in the Fall with great success. I usually only use it in Sept and that helps me create great momentum for the rest of the fall. ..., remember that every time a client redeems this, you take the $10 or $20 off your FREE Product Value tracking sheet you have posted somewhere in your MK office space. If you're only giving away what MK gives you for free or less than they give you for free you won't be giving away too much product and will be keeping more money for you and your family. If you're giving away more than what you're getting for free, that discount comes out of your profits.Use this card to book new people who aren't sure if they'd like a facial or a client you want to get back in front of for a makeover as an extra incentive. Use it for a month to build momentum and book from your appointments for the following months for fall. Be sure to put an expiration date on it to provide the sense of urgency for this month. JGina Shetzer
Proud Sales Director of Gina's Gems
We're On The Run To #1!!!
The question is not, "Do I have what it takes?" It is simply, "What's my plan?"
The woman on the top of the mountain didn't fall there.