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Your "why" is your overall dream. We are all independent businesswomen. And if we know our dream, then we feel we are on a treadmill at times. Your "why" or dream in life is what keeps you motivated and disciplined.

1. My dream or my "why" is to be a stay at home mother.
2. I know someday we will have that country home.
3. Raise my own children, teach and impart to them the valuesthat I feel they need.
4. Someday my children will go to the college of their choice and I will be able to pay for it myself.

Your Dream
What is My "Why"? How Do I Achieve It?
Close your eyes and take a few minues to dream about what you want to do with your life. What is your dream? What do you want to achieve?

What is a Goal?
With you "why" in mind, consider setting goals that may help you climb toward your dream. Goals are the rungs of the ladder that lead you there.
The difference between a goal and a dream is this: a goal is what can lead you to your dream and goals can give you direction and a track to run on.
Goal Three:  Independent Sales Director

Goal Tw  Earn the use of a Pontiac Vibe

Goal One: Power Start Plus

What is a Goal?

A good goal is desirable and attainable.

A good goal has a price. Decide what you want and
then weigh the cost. How do you feel about the cost of this goal?
Are you prepared to pay the cost at this time? If the price seems a
little high to you now, do not feel guilty.It just may not be the right time
for you to work towards that particular goal.

Independent Sales Director Price:
Give up one night a week.

Pontiac Vibe price:
Children will want old car.

Power Start Plus Price:
Miss Lunch With Friends

A goal must get you fired up. A goal must make you not want to go to
sleep at night. That is a good goal. If the goal is not getting you juiced up
and making you feel like " I am not going to sleep until the goal is done,"
the goal may not be big enough.


Big Goals Small Goals
Do you have courage?

It does not take courage for you to tell me what you are going to do in a year. What really takes courage is for you to tell me what you are going to do tomorrow evening on the phone.
Do you have enough courage to  reach your goals?

What steps do I take to achieve my goal?

1. Write it Down.
This is something that I often forget. It should be on paper. Strategize and think about why you want this goal  and why it is important to you.

2.Make it Positive. 
State is positively. For example, instead of saying "I will not be late", say, "I will be on time". 
State it often. And you may find that people will start saying it back to you. "You are going to be a National Sales Director.
"You say, I sure am going to be a national Sales Director.
State is courageously. Do not be afraid of stating it. You should not have a secret goal.

3. List the benefits and the advantages of accomplishing the goal.
Make the list because when you become a little bit unsure, you can say, "This is my why."  This is why I am doing this. This is why I am going to go back into my studio tonight and make 10 phone calls in the next 30 minutes.

Example Benefits: Flexiable Schedule

4. List Your Obsticles to Your Potential Goal
There may be things you need to change. For example, if you want to become a sales director, but you have no childcare that can be an obsticles that needs to be taken care of.

Example Obsticles: Husband not supportive.
                            Might fail in front of family

5. List the skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your goal.
What skills and knowledge do you need to accomplish this goal? When you find the resources, you will be on your way to mastering those skills.

Example Skills: Need to improve hostess coaching

6. List Your Mentors and Helpers
Reley on mentors and helpers for advice to help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your goals. The Mary Kay Opportunity offers so much in terms of mentors and helpers; there are people and business tools to help everywhere.

Example Skills: Have trouble approaching people- ask sales director.

7. Develop A Plan Of Action
A good plan of action can help you meet your goal. If you are wondering what knid of plan of action you should use, you can ask your sales director or mentor. Ask your mentor, "Is this a good plan of action?" "If I continue on this plan, will it get me to my goal?"

What Can I Do To Help Me Reach My Goal

Find A Power Partner
A Power Partner is someone who keeps you accountable to your goal. Your power partner may ask, "How many names and number did you  get?  Who did you talk to?   Who did you present the marketing plan to? Did You get Your five leads?"

Have a Timeline
Every goal should have a timeline, so you cannot be envasive when you set your goal.

Plan when to begin, when to end, and how long it should take. By putting a time limit on your goal, you automatically take it outof the realm of  wishful thinking. Regaurdless if it is a week, month, or ten years, a deadline gives a much needed sense of urgency and serves as an incentive toward reaching your goal. Then if you miss a goal , the goal did not change, just the deadline changed. But the goal is still the same.

Have a Plan For Challenges
Sometimes we trip ourselves up because we do not plan for some dissapointments. Do you know that dissapointments can make you stronger, bigger better and healthier? And it is just getting you ready for leadership.

"If you do not go through, you cannot grow through."

Mary Kay used to say she had the bloodiest knees of all. She fell down and got back up again so much more than we ever thought about.

Have a Visual Aid
You wrote down your goal, you said it out loud, now make it visual.

Whatever your goal is , Why not put it on a poster board? You can put the poster board in a place where you can see it and when you do not feel like working, seeing the poster board can provide the motivation you need. It is important that your goal is visual and that it encourages you.


Include some compassion for yourself. If you do not meet your goal, do not beat yourself up.
Mary Kay taught us that we fail forward to success.