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by NSD Arlene Lenarz

This company needs leaders, more leaders like you,

Who use their influence at the right times for the right reasons;

Who take a greater share of the blame and a smaller share of the credit;

Who lead themselves successfully before attempting to lead others;

Who continue to search for the best answer, not the easiest one;

Who add value to the people and organization they lead;

Who work for the benefit of others and not only for personal gain;

Who handle themselves with their heads and handle others with their hearts;

Who know the way, go the way, and show the way;

Who inspire and motivate rather than intimidate and manipulate;

Who live with people to know their problems and live with God to solve them;

Who realize their dispositions are more important than their positions;

Who mold opinions instead of following opinion polls,

Who understand that an institution, a company, is the reflection of their character;

Who never place themselves above others except in carrying responsibilities;

Who will be as honest in small things as in great things;

Who discipline themselves so they will not be disciplined by others;

Who encounter setbacks and turn them into comebacks;

Who follow a moral compass that points in the right direction regardless of the trends.