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Self Talk

_________________, you are a winner!  You may not conquer every challenge you face, but you have perseverance -- you stay with it, you work at it, you are determined to win, and you never give up!


When problems or difficulties try to get you down, you get yourself back up.  You see problems as opportunities, and you see conquering difficulties as nothing more than the steps you take to create the incredible future you have in front of you.


You choose to be a person of quality.  You choose to tell the truth; you avoid the negative opinions of other, and you take responsibility for yourself and for everything you do.  You know that most of what happens to you is up to you.  You deal with the bad, build the good, keep your chin up, and never, ever, let anyone or anything stop you from being the positive, quality person that you were born to be.


You defeat despair by helping others.  You overcome the negative by choosing to live in the positive.  You are practical and realistic, but you know that real happiness in life always comes from choosing to believe in the best, and work for the best in everything you do.


You have faith!  When you cant see the outcome, or when youre uncertain, you choose to have the kind of faith that builds your spirit, lifts you up, and keeps you moving forward to a future of success and fulfillment.


You are never harmfully critical of yourself or anyone else.  You look for, and you find, the best qualities in yourself, and you find those same qualities in the people you choose to spend your time with.  You are understanding, encouraging, loving, compassionate, considerate, helpful, supporting, trustworthy, and caring.  Youre a good friend -- both to others and to yourself.


You set good goals -- small goals and bigger goals -- and you are determined to achieve each and every positive goal you set.  You make good choices.  You choose to be in control of your own thoughts, your actions, and your successes -- in everything your do.


You get things done.  Instead of putting things off or waiting for another time, you take action NOW!  You see it, you do it, and you move on!  You see your future, and everything in it, as the greatest opportunity you have ever faced in your life.  You look forward to each morning, each day, and each tomorrow, as an opportunity to live, to learn, to grow, and to excel.


You, ______________, are a winner!  And you refuse to give up, give in, or ever let anyone or anything stop you from becoming the incredible person you were born to be.