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From: Chelle Hill 

For those of you who have been to Seminar, you may recall your surprise of who was Top in Sales. It generally isn't the tallest, prettiest, thinnest, or richest that is the Queen in selling or recruiting for that matter. Who is it? Sure. It's the one who has sold the most, but how did she do it?

Every Queen or Top person in this Company that I have asked and probably the ones you asked or will ask will tell you these tips.

1.     Set a goal.

2.     Focus on what it is you want to achieve.

3.     Get out the door everyday and get in front of someone with your Mary Kay.

4.     Book everyday.

5.     Share Mary Kay Opportunity with everyone.

And, the list will go on and on with these types of suggestions. Bottom Line? Book, sell and recruit. Much training and many testimonies have been written on those 3 subjects. But, How do you get the self-confidence in selling?
Let's start with self-confidence. Let's get the basics down first.

When you meet someone for the 1st time, your impression of them is already formed. Thus the quote "You only have one chance to make a first impression." How is someone going to know whether you have confidence or not?

1.     Are you looking them in the eyes? Avoiding eye contact shows you either you lack confidence, are hiding something, are unsure of the situation, or simply show a complacent "I don't care" attitude. If your hair comes down in front of your eyes - cut it! If there is something so obtrusive about your head or face that really distracts someone from looking into your eyes- change it!


2.     what about your hand shake? Do you extend your hand in a friendly professional manner? Do you make a grip with your hand or just extend it out there like a cold limp fish? No limp, fishy handshakes! Be a professional.


3.     What about your style of dress? No, you don't have to be wearing a dress, but this is how I looked at it as a consultant. I was very busy, but kept telling myself, "If I ran into Mary Kay herself as I was coming and going, what would she say about how I'm dressed for the occasion in which I met her?


4.     And next to last, what about your body movement. Especially while you're meeting someone doing a class, etc. Do you look at them in the eyes, do you hold your head up- straighten your back up, etc. Do you talk in a clear loud voice?


5.     And how do you sell with confidence?

a.     You show up on time.

b.     You dress in what looks professional.

c.      You look people in the eye (preferably the right eye because it's usually the dominant eye.

d.     You speak in a loud enough and firm voice to be heard and clear.

e.      You hold your product as if you're in love with it because it's so valuable.

f.       You are organized and know what direction you're heading while doing a class or booking an appointment.

g.     You are showing understand for others and then making sure you compensate others when you have caused an inconvenience to them.

h.     You are showing a confidence in your product such that you believe in it's value, you know it's worth, your commitment to using it and sharing it shows. You don't discount everything because you know the price is the lowest for the quality receiving.

All these things show your confidence in selling.

*      Selling yourself

*      Selling your product and

*      Selling your Company and Opportunity

Add in excitement, belief, focus and commitment and you will start emitting that confidence it takes to sell and the confidence that others will see in you as you move up the ladder of success.