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1.  Attend All Mary Kay Functions - Weekly Unit Meetings are a MUST. By attending, you show support for your Director and sister Consultants. Plus, a guest is bound to be more impressed when she sees a room FULL of people.

2.  Have A Daily, Weekly, Monthly, And Yearly Goal - This is important in all aspects of your life, including health, family, and business, spiritual and social. Where do you want your business to be in one month (on target for Star Consultant, three new business associates or five appointments each week)?

3.  Say Daily Affirmations - I am a booking machine, my datebook is always full. I am healthy. I am enthusiastic! Everyone I meet is a prospect for my products.  Have goal posters in your car, office, mirrors, remind you of the goals that you want to achieve.  Don't forget to put one on your refrigerator!  

4.  Evaluate Your Appearance - Which areas would you like to improve? Start walking or doing some other form of exercise. Get a new hairstyle, try a new hair color. Start paying more attention to your wardrobe. Dress professionally more often, and let your makeup reflect your career.

5.  Organize Your Family - Make them realize you are serious about your Mary Kay career. You can do this by disciplining yourself. Be willing to give up a TV show to service customers and book classes. Talk with them about your goals for the family like vacations paid for with money youve earned from your career.

6.  Complete Weekly Plan Sheets & Weekly Accomplishment Sheets - Write your goals in pencil and when you accomplish them, fill them in with pen. Determine how much you earn from classes, facials and reorders so you know when you are improving.

7.  Read Your Career Essentials Guide And Listen To Audiotapes/CDs - Watch videos and listen to CD/audiocassettes while putting on your makeup, cooking and driving in your car. They are a wonderful source of inspiration, education and motivation.

 8.  Organize Your Office - It is simple. Shoeboxes are fine for skin care profiles. Use an answering machine. Make your message short and business like and be sure to say that you are a consultant for Mary Kay. Record it yourself.

9.  Go To Work! - Talk to people you meet daily. Practice, practice, practice. It will become easier! Hand out business cards five a day. Put cards in bills, give them to the cashier at the grocery store, restaurant, anyone within arms length from you. Hand out Beauty Books with samples of glamour or fragrances. Be sure your name and phone number are on all the materials you give out. Get the prospective customers name and numbers and follow up to get their opinion of Mary Kays products. If you dont have a camera, buy a disposable one. Guests usually like Before and After photos.

10.  Our business is 10% knowledge and 90% attitude- Always speak in positive terms and  "Listen" to how you speak to yourself!  Hang around positive people. Your attitude determines your Altitude! Wear your best SMILE and Mary Kay image every day.