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October 25, 2011


Join us today, Marlo, at your red jacket debut;

A day we witness the unfolding of a whole new you;

You?re enriching the lives of women with sincerity and style;

You?re touching the hearts of many with your beautiful smile;

Whether you?re sharing the opportunity at Waffles and More;

Or whether you?re warm chattering at your favorite store;

You are always sharing and giving each and every day;

Helping to lead us down the path- it?s the Mary Kay way;

You inspire me at meetings and other ladies too;

May you accept this gift of red from me to you!

This is a day of celebration, it?s the best;

A memory of a lifetime that is set above the rest;

I will always remember the day I was honored to meet you;

I will always remember this day of your Red Jacket debut.

With Warmest Regards,


print above

On Silver Wings

In 1971, Mary Kay traveled to Australia to launch the Company's first subsidiary. While there, she discovered a poem that spoke to her heart as no other, a poem that would return home with her and take its place at the very core of our culture. Holding an honored place in the Mary Kay Museum is the "On Silver Wings" sculpture commissioned in honor of the Company's 25th anniversary. Mary Kay loved the words so much she often used their stirring imagery to conclude her speeches and letters.

I have a premonition that soars on silver wings,
It is a dream of your accomplishment
Of many wondrous things,
I do not know beneath which sky
Or where you'll challenge fate,
I only know it will be high,
I only know it will be GREAT!

- Anonymous

Living and Giving
The Law of Life

Whatever you give away today
Or think or say or do
Will multiply about tenfold
And then return to you.

It may not come immediately
Nor from the obvious source,
But the LAW applies unfailingly
Through some invisible force.

Whatever you feel about another
Be it love or hate or passion,
Will surely bounce right back to you
In some clear or secret fashion.

If you speak about some person
A word of praise or two
Soon tens of other people
Will speak kind words to you.

Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul,
Not secrets of the brain.
Kind ones bring us happiness,
Petty ones, untold pain.

Giving works as surely as
Reflection in a mirror,
If hate you sand, hate youïll get back
But loving brings love nearer.

Remember as you start this day
And duty crowds your mind
That kindness comes so quickly back
To those who first are kind.

Let that thought and this one
Direct you through each day.
The only things we every keep
Are the things we give away

Jerry Buchanan