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Making the Sale at Your Success Night!

From: Paula Johnson

Thanks to Trudy Billion, this is really good, read on!!!


Do you bring guests with you to your success night?  Do you want to maximize your effectiveness? Here are some tips.

  1) Prepare your guests for what will transpire that night.  Tell them about the format and what you hope they will hear. If you want them to stay longer, after the meeting to go over more career info, be sure to tell them that. Tell them about the recognition and awards so they are not wondering when/why they aren't diving into their makeover.

  2) Make time for sales.  If your guest thinks that the night ends at 9 and she'll be out the door then, and you want to go over the sets and buying options, there is major miscommunication there.  Instead tell them that the program ends at 9 but lets allow 15 minutes or so afterwards to go over what you heard and for me to answer questions about the product.

  3) Be bold.  It takes a certain amount of confidence to ask for the sale, doesn't it?  After the product education say, "I have sales ticket for each of you so that you can start writing down the things you'd like to take home."(Great subtle assertiveness!!)  Then take time to visit with each guest about their needs.  You can start out by asking, "What did you enjoy most about what you tried tonight? What are you tempted to take home with you?  Let me tell you about your payment options".  Of course, you'll want to ask for bookings and give her career info to take home.

  If you are not getting the sales or bookings from your guests, perhaps there are areas you can improve on in terms of preparing your guests, making time for the sale, and especially, asking for the sale!  I want this to be a profitable area for you!  

"You decide what it is you want to accomplish and then lay out your plans to get there, and then you just do it.  It's pretty straightforward." --Nancy Ditz
