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Listen for a Lipstick

Free lipstick for listening to our MK story.

Hey____, Could you get excited about a free Mary Kay Lipstick and a chance to win $50 worth of product!? I am picking all of my favorite people to call today and you are at the top on the list!   Do you have a quick second?  I am in a contest from my Director to find out what 100 women think of our Mary Kay Opportunity!  I am picking my sharpest people to get their opinion and I picked you because ______! 

 All you would need to do is listen then:


"I need to call you and ask you 4 short questions after you've listened... would it be better if I call you tomorrow or ____day (the day after tomorrow)?  What's a good time for me to call you?"

"call/text/email/facebook  me back and tell me:
1. What did you learn that you didn't know?
2. What impressed you?
3. Did you have any questions?
4. What is your level of interest? "

When you hear back from her there are three ways to handle her response... As soon as you hear back from her  (1) you can answer any questions and send her an email agreement link;  (2) contact me and ask me to go over how to respond to her questions, then follow up; or (3) just forward her response along with her contact information to me, and I will follow up with her. 

"fill out a short questionnaire online and submit it to my Director, so I will get credit for your opinion and you will get your name in the $50 Drawing!  Here's the link to it  http://ow.ly/jAVm6 "

The results will come to me when they do, and I will put them in our drawing for $50 in products and you will get credit for the TBA!!! Email the link print it on a flyer, or take them to the link and have them fill out the questionnaire and submit it!! 

Whichever way you choose to handle it be sure to forward her response and contact information to me right away, so I can follow up and put her name in our monthly drawing for $50 in product!

Listen for a Lipstick -- Choose the recording you like best or the one you think she will relate to:

             NSD Diana Sumpter 605-475-4899 access 1078366# reference #

             NSD Auri Hathaway:  212-990-6304

             NSD Pam Shaw:  212-990-6415

Recorded Marketing Call by Marsha Morrissette
Offer your prospects a free Lipgloss or free Lipstick for their time. (She can't say YES if you never ask.)
Dial in Number: 641-715-3900 Extension: 47433

Invite your prospective team members to listen to the facts of how we work at THEIR convenience!! They simply call, listen to a short, recorded "marketing call",
leave their name & number and they will receive a FREE COLOR ITEM from your Director!!
You DO NOT want her to leave her name on this call.... but YOU may want to hear Judy's marketing presentation. Or have her listen while you are with her.
The number to call is... 641-715-3900 ... and the access code is.. 34183#.

Here are som YouTube Videos you might choose to share.  Click the bottom of the player where it says "playlist" to see a list of the videos: