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Black Friday Sale

Black Friday Sale.    e-mail or mail

The biggest shopping day of the year is here,
and you are in for such a treat!
 On Black Friday .. you will receive discounts on your Mary Kay orders 
   from 6 a.m - noon!!!
 My voicemail, email, and website record the time and date on all incoming messages/orders.
 The earlier you shop, the more you can save!! 

Enjoy your discount.. Call, email or place a website order between:

6am-6:59am...   30% discount

7am-7:59am...   25% discount

8am-8:59am..     20% discount

9am-9:59am..   .15% discount
10am-10:59am..10% discount

11am-11:59am....5% discount


 ALL ORDERS placed ANYTIME on Friday  from 6 a.m - midnight will be put into a drawing,
and the winner will receive _________  

It's time to brainstorm...

Do you have everything YOU need to look and feel your best this holiday season?

Who's left on your shopping list?
Do you have gifts for: husband, teenagers, mother, father, in-laws, grandparents,other relatives,
teachers, best friends, clients, minister,  secretary, boss, co-workers, babysitter,
 mail carrier, landlord, neighbors, hairstylist, manicurist

Need Gift Ideas?.. Let's chat.. I have some Great ones from $8 - $100!
Spend $40 or more and Your name goes into a drawing for_______
 If you spend $100 or more you get $15 to spend on yourself at your UPDATE Make-over  

So remember everyone on your Christmas list!


Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Shopping!