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Race for Red eCourse - May 2017


Welcome! Are you ready to move up the career path and into a new Red Jacket? If so, then this course is for YOU. This 6 weeks eCourse is designed to help you jump start your Mary Kay business and make that leap into Red Jacket Leadership. It's All Within You!
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(go to under "consultant education" for all the info and activities and PDF files)


Are you ready to step into RED? If so, this is week 1 of 6 to help you do just that. The Race for Red eCourse will start with the "Be, Do, Have" concept in order to paint the picture and learn what it means to be a healthy leader. You will learn to look at yourself as a leader. By the end of week one, you will learn to make an emotional connection to your "why" and realize that your Mary Kay business could be the vehicle to make your dreams come true.



Week 2 of the Race for Red eCourse will focus on the "Words that Work" when talking to different types of women. By the end of week two, you will be able to identify your own DISC personality type as well as the personality types of women you work with in your Mary Kay business. You will also be more familiar with the right words to use when talking to other women of different personality types. Additionally, you will learn how to connect with other women during booking and team building appointments using the 4 P's Questions and your "I" Story.


Race for Red eCourse, week three, will focus on specific business skills in order to learn how to work with a team and to lead the Mary Kay Way. You will learn to look at yourself as a leader. By the end of this week, the goal is for your to make a decision to move up the career path. Making that leap doesn't just happen. Making the decision to take your business to the next level and move up the career path takes a purposeful decision. Are your ready to wear a red jacket?


You will learn how important building trusting relationships are to your Mary Kay business. By the end of week four, you will learn why it is important to build trust with others. It will help paint the picture of healthy leadership and explain the importance of building others to success.


Week 5 of the Race for Red eCourse will focus on the Red Jacket leadership. By the end of this week, you will have more confidence in your leadership abilities. You will also learn the qualifications, rewards and benefits of Red Jacket leadership.


Week 6 of the Race for Red eCourse will focus on evaluating your for building your Mary Kay business as well as your motivations for wanting to move up into Red Jacket leadership. By the end of this week, you will be challenged to meet the minimum requirements of Red Jacket so you can order your very own Red Jacket.