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Creating an I-Story with Charisma and Passion

LaRonda Daigle

Prospects do not sign because we earn 50% profit.  They make their final decision on the emotion that was gathered during someones story.  They step into your story and have the feeling, if they can do it, why cant I! 

On the other hand, if you do not take the time to create a story that will have them coming out of their seats, you may never spark an interest.

You may say, I am not as successful as you LaRonda.  You may not have achieved what most of the top Directors and Nationals have thus far, but I joined only 10 ? years ago!  Because I learned very fast to get out of myself and get into others, God has blessed me tremendously in my business.   You will become all that you were meant to be, if you show passion for what you believe in.

Now, I want to take you back before Mary Kay came into your life.  I am going to ask you questions, because your answers may relate to someone else.   You need to learn how to show emotion in developing a powerful success story.  You need to make people laugh and also have emotions of wanting more in life. 

Here are some questions that I ask any Consultant or Director when creating their Success Story:

        What were your thoughts about Mary Kay before getting involved with the products or company?

        When you saw a Pink Cadillac, what did you think?

        Where do you currently work?

        What do you enjoy best about what you do?

        What would you change about what you currently do at your present job?

        How did you meet your consultant?

        How did you respond to having a facial or a skin care class?

        Did you really want to have the facial or class?

        Did you want to go to the meeting?

        Did you feel bothered by the consultant?

        Did you love the products?

        Did you buy anything?

        Was money tight for you?

        When you heard about the opportunity, what were your Thoughts and feelings?

        Did you want to hear more about the opportunity?

        What part of the marketing plan impressed you?  Money, etc. 

        Why did it impress you?

        Did you know you could make that kind of money in Mary Kay?

        Were you a practice interview?  Did you go there just to help out?

        When you met your Director, what were your thoughts?

        What did you see in her that you wanted?

        When you signed your agreement, were you nervous, scared, etc.?

        When you woke up the next morning, what were your thoughts?

        Were there any negative people in your life that wanted you to not be a part of Mary Kay?

        What is your purpose?

        Why did you make the decision?

        How have you grown in Mary Kay?

        What are your goals?

You need to answer these questions and put together your I-Story!  Your story will grow; as you grow into the person that God intend you to be.


1.     Do not talk about other Direct Sales Companies. 

2.     Do not say, I thought Mary Kay was like the Ding Dong Lady.  Remember that someones mother raised him or her on Avon.

3.     Do not say, I thought Mary Kay was for Old Ladies or Blue hair ladies.  You must say for more mature women.  Remember, we have many successful mature women in Mary Kay. 

Have fun creating your story with passion and charisma.  I know the Mary Kay world will hear your story on the Seminar Stage. 

It is a choice to be great in life.  Be great in Mary Kay!  Remember, you are selling the Dream of Mary Kay!  It does not matter what has not happened, what matters is what is going to happen.  Believe in the power of the Dream!