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Whatever You Imagine
When I began my Mary Kay business, I did not know exactly what I was getting myself into. However, I made some very important decisions early in my career that have led me to becoming a Fabulous 50s Senior Sales Director, earning 3 free cars, thousands of dollars in commission & freedom from corporate America.
Decisions I made:
1) I will let NO one take my joy. My goal will not be deterred by small thinkers, pessimist, and bitter people.
2) I will always do business the way Mary Kay wants me to (Sell the basic as a set, show up in a skirt or dress, be honest with my customers and director, etc)
3) I will maintain a positive attitude - no matter what!!!!
4) No one customer or one consultant will ever determine my success. I am the master of my fate!
5) "No" means NEXT! I will not get stuck!
6) I will attend every training, workshop, retreat, seminar - anything- to move me forward.
7) I will be accountable to my sales director - NOBODY cares more about my success than her!
8) I will keep products on hand in order to provide the best possible service and separate myself from others who choose not to be serious about their business.
9) I will give it all I have to all I can - allowing myself time to grow in the business, make mistakes, learn, and grow more!
10) I will be a Star Consultant.
11) I will run my business with faith first, family second, and career third.
12) I will feed my mind with leadership and training tapes.
13) I will give selflessly to my customers, team, and sister consultants.
14) I will give God the glory for my success and reach for Him when in the valleys.
These are simple decisions, but truly ones that have promoted me UPWARD over and over again. In a world of "get over" "get through" and "go around", these basic principles will keep you focused on ethics, excellence, and being exceptional !
Kijuana McKinnie
What a DREAM costs you in courage, it will repay you in GLORY!