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The Difference between Victims and Winners

Wow! Thank you Million Dollar Director Kathy Goff for your insight!

This weekend as I traveled to Mary Sprayberry's to conduct a guest night and a workshop, I was thinking about one of the things I would discuss with the guests and it is still on my mind - the difference between victims and winners.

Victims blame everyone for their lack of success.

Winners; however, accept responsibility for the fact that they did not achieve their goal because they didn't study the rules, they didn't talk to enough people, they didn't hold enough classes, they watched that television program when they could have been making calls, etc.

Victims see every obstacle as a huge ugly problem that is just insurmountable.  It may have cost them a lot this time, but it'll never cost them again.

Victims do nothing to personally motivate and inspire themselves, they don't like to "sweat", and they never give a thought to the choices they make daily.

Victims love the attention of wallowing in self pity - winners love the recognition of accomplishments.

Victims use their faith and family as an excuse not to work (of course, they never had the thought of faith first, family second before Kay) - in fact, they usually consider watching television together as quality family time.

Victims are always looking for reasons to quit - winners realize that if they quit today, the next national sales director might call them tomorrow to sign up.

Adversity breaks victims - Winners use adversity to break records.

Which are you?  They weren't born that way.