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How many times have we got to the end of a quarter and we are so close to finishing our Sapphire stars but it's just slightly out of reach? Or we are so close to the next prize level but it's just slightly out of reach?

Don't let this happen again, plan ahead.

Every quarter is broke up the same and the dates never change year to year.

Here is a proven plan to earn your Sapphire star this quarter.

From 16th to 30th of the first month you need to place a minimum $300.00 section 1 wholesale order.

In the second month you need to place a minimum of $600.00 section 1 wholesale order.

In the third you need to place an additional $600.00 section 1 wholesale order.

Then between the 1st and 15th of the fourth month you need to place a minimum $300.00 section 1 wholesale order.


Place a $600 order the same week EVERY month, and you will always be a STAR!

It's that simple.

How to have the funds available to do this is quite simple too.

You just need to sell an average of $300.00 retail a week every week.

You can accomplish this by holding 1 or 2 skin care classes, calling your customers for reorders and by getting referrals.

To simplify this even more you just need to sell $60.00 a day for 5 out of 7 days in a week.

If you want to be a Ruby you just need to order $800 wholesale per month, selling $400 retail per week.

For a Diamond order $1,000 wholesale per month, selling $500 retail per week.

For Emerald you need to order $1,200 wholesale per month, selling $600 retail per week

For Queens Court of Sales you need to order $1,500 per month, selling $750 retail per week.

Now why in the world would you want to be a Star consultant and a consistent ordering consultant?

One reason is that you will earn your gold ladder of success with your star on it.

The gems are real so don't loose them.

Second you get to pick a wonderful prize. Some of the prizes are exclusive to Mary Kay consultants and cannot be earned or bought anywhere else.

Third if a customer in your area calls the company because they have lost touch with their consultant the company will refer them to a Star Consultant in their area.

The fourth reason to follow the Sapphire plan is that you will earn extra commission from the company when you have 5 or more personal team members place their orders in the same month you place a minimum $600.00 order. By the Sapphire plan you will be placing a minimum $600.00 wholesale order every month.

The fifth reason is that you will be making a minimum of $600.00 profit each month to spend as you see fit. Clothes, shoes, massage, pay off old credit cards that the interest rate is killing you and it's not a tax write off.

The sixth reason is that consistent stars earn guaranteed seating at Seminar.

I can keep listing the benefits but I think the point is clear as to why you want to be a Star Consultant each quarter.

So look at your numbers and make sure that you place a wholesale order to be on track for your star!

I know each and every one of you can do it!

With Love and awesome belief,

Heather Laurin

Proud Senior Sales Director of Heather's Heavenly Honey Bees