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RECRUITING - USING the MK website to build your team!
Here is some great advice -- who do you know to share this with?  What a great way to introduce your special customers to this opportunity-- REMEMBER though-- you MUST follow up!!!  Schedule a one on one time with them to answer questions and to go into more detail about how this business can work for them. 

Using the Mary Kay website to recruit  
From NSD Diane Velde
As I listened to one of the Top Director Tapes, One Director shared the idea of coaching EVERY one of your customers to go to www.marykay.com and click on the Career Path button! Then click on the Living The Dream site. You can reach so many customers all over the United States this way!!!
Have them read on the web about a career in Mary Kay.  I just came from the website and there are 4 different women from different backgrounds-  who give reasons why they began a business with Mary Kay Cosmetics!  Suggest they "click" on the Business Your Way site too- it shows them the all the ways we can work our business.  Check it out yourself- it's really a lovely site. 
Here's what I am going to do and challenge you to do the same! This is so simple! Those that do it will get the ball rolling with interviews and new team members now! You'll be RACING FOR RED as in that NEW RED JACKET and that HOT RED CAR!!!  It doesn't have to take forever what you can do in a short period of time with focus and determination for the goal.
E-mail ALL your Customers and tell them you are in a contest to get 30 womens opinion of the websites information about the Career Opportunity in Mary Kay!  Share with them that we are asking for our customers' input to see what information was helpful, and what isn't there that would be helpful in the future.  Thank them for taking the time and helping you out.  Ask them which of the 4 women they could relate to the most? (their backgrounds) and what one thing impressed them most about what they read?
This does two things: one, it lets you know their personal background and talents, and two, it lets you know their HOT BUTTON (was it the $money, the recognition, prizes, car etc.) the WHY of why they might consider starting their own independent business with Mary Kay.  The key is FOLLOW UP with every customer that gives you their input!   Ask to get together with them for 15 minutes for a cup of coffee or soda and that you want their opinion.  If they live out of town- you can do this on the phone!
Say, "This may or may not be for you _____(name), but I appreciate you taking the 15 minutes with me because after hearing the facts, wouldn't you agree you could make an intelligent decision if this career opportunity is for you or not.  If not, you may know of a woman who might be good or interested in this incredible career opportunity!  Thank you so much for helping me reach my contest goal for August!  I'll be in your area on ______ (day)-and _________-at________ (time) &_________.  Which works best for you?"     

Schedule lunch hour appointments or 15 minute On' the Go appointments after work.  If your FOCUS is building a great team, then interviewing has to be your FOCUS!!!
Keep the classes going to keep the balance with selling and momentum will start to build!