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10 Steps to Moving Up...
Looking for a way to Move Up? I suggest the following:

1.  Attend all functions. Weekly unit meetings are important. By attending, you show support for your Independent Sales Director and sister Independent Beauty Consultants. PLUS, a guest is bound to be more impressed when she sees a room full of people.

2.  Have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. This is important in all aspects of your life, including health, family, business, spiritual and social. Where do you want your business to be in one month (on-target for a diamond Star Consultant quarter, Team Leader or Future Sales Director, five appointments each week)?

3.  Say daily affirmations. For example: "Every day, in every way, I get better and better. Everyone I meet is a prospect for my products, services or opportunity. I am healthy. I am happy! I am enthusiastic!"

4.  Have goal posters in your office, car, on your mirror, etc. These remind you of your goals. And don't forget to put one on your refrigerator!!

5.  Evaluate your appearance. What areas would you like to improve? Start walking or doing some other form of exercise. Get a new hairstyle, try a new hair color. Pay more attention to your wardrobe. Dress professionally and let your makeup reflect your career.

6.  Organize your family. Help them realize you are serious about your business. You can do this by disciplining yourself. Be willing to give up a TV show to service customers, book classes and schedule team-building interviews. Talk with them about your goals for the family like vacations you pay for with money you've earned from your business.

7.  Complete your Weekly Accomplishment Sheet. Write your goals in pencil and when you accomplish them, fill them in with pen. Determine how much you earn from classes, facials and reorders so you know when you are improving.

8.  Learn everything there is to know about your business. You can do this by reading your Career Essentials and every other source of information you can obtain about your business. Watch videos. Listen to audiocassettes or CDs constantly. They are wonderful sources of inspiration, education and motivation.

9.  Organize your office. It is simple. Shoe boxes are fine for customer profiles. Use an answering machine. Make the message short and businesslike. Record it yourself (don't have your husband or children's voices on it).

10.  Go to work!!! Talk to everyone who crosses your path. Hand out business cards, team-building brochures and audiotapes. Hand out Beauty Books with samples of eye colors or fragrances. Make sure you get prospective customers' names and numbers and always follow-up! And remember: Smile, smile, smile!! People like to be around positive, happy people. Attitude is 98% of our business. As Mary Kay always said, "You can do all things right with the wrong attitude and fail, but with the right attitude you can do things wrong and succeed."

May God Bless You
with Faith, Hope, & Love
Today and Everyday,
Charlene Welch
Independent Sales Director