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Keeping God in your daily acitivity.


Thursday, May 13, 2004

Yes, focus on God  is important. Yes, practice is the key. That being said, we still can find ourselves losing God focus. So what can we do especially when we are at work, and cant stop to read the Bible or take a prayer walk?

Try adding one or more of these helps to your workplace life to keep a little more focus:

  • Learn the Jesus prayer for centuries, followers of Jesus have prayed a simple prayer that was uttered in various forms by blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:47), sinking Peter (Matt 14:30), and the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:25). The prayer in its shortest version is LORD HELP ME! Bartimaeus said, Jesus, Son of David (a messianic title), have mercy on me. With practice and the help of the Holy Spirit who inspires us who are followers of Jesus, we can start to make this prayer the place that our mind goes when its not going any place in particular. It continually puts us in right relationship to God Hes the giver; Im the receiver; I need Him, He helps me. Try going a day praying this simple prayer in between tasks, conversations, (sometimes even in the midst of conversations), phone calls and meetings.
  • The rest room can be a holy place. There are intense and hectic days that seem to defy all attempts to manage them. But one of the ways God reminds us that we are just people is that a simple bodily function pretty much trumps our plans, at least for a moment. Heres a rather weird suggestion. Use your trip to refocus, to remember that God is with you, that you are his child. 
  • Spiritual help in your pocket. Periodically try carrying around in your pocket, or on your desk or dashboard, or anywhere that you will come into regular contact with it, a little reminder of what God is teaching you currently or how He loves you or has blessed you. During a communion service at our church we handed out nails, to remind ourselves of the price Jesus paid for saving us, the hard reality the bread and the cup represented. I was surprised at how many people carried that nail around for over a month. Every time they felt its point, it reminded them of what God had done for them and who they really were. Use your imagination to carry around a small focus help. Not a rabbits foot that gets God to like you and do what you want, its simply a way to keep focused on Him and who He is.
  • Read Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. For an old book, this is easily accessible. There are versions of it that keep the language current and make it an easy read. There is no better treatment of Focus.

Right now, pick one and get going!


Lord, this reminds me to make moments, and also to take moments, for You.  This should become easier and more natural with practice, so right now I want to thank You that You are present in my life at work, and to ask You to help me focus on You throughout each workday.  Amen.

This WorkLife Toolbox written by Ed Noble, Teaching Pastor, Journey Community Church, San Diego, CA.