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The Perfect Present 9/16/04 - 12/15/04

$199 ROLL UP




Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: PCP phone script, Color 101--Holiday Look Cards #1
From: Nancy  Magurno
Below are the PDF files of postcards I include in the sheer envelopes with the Color 101 looks for Holiday!!!  You can print these on the Avery card stock #8387 and they already come perforated.quick and easy.
Today's affirmation "I am confident that I can handle the challenges coming with my stepped up business activity.  I am achieving ____ appointments on my books for the next 2 weeks because I want to learn, grow and increase my Mary Kay!"   Go ahead.  Repeat it 10 times, with heart! (be sure to put a real number in the blank space).  Now, keep repeating it all day long and watch yourself WANT to get on the phone and fill your datebook!
People need what we have.  Let's share today!
XxOO, Nancy
A must read on follow-up calls for the Look Book mailing, by Barbara Whitaker:
Script: Hi Mary, this is Barbara Whitaker with Mary Kay Cosmetic, have you got a minute? I have sent another mailing and I just wanted to make sure you received the new Look Book.  Remember, I send it third class and the Post Office does not forward it so I need to just make sure you are at the same address. Did you get it? Do I still have your address correct? Wait for an answer, sometimes they laugh and say; yes I am still here, Im not going anywhere.
Then I say; Have you had a chance to look at the book yet? If they say no, I say; would you mind getting it out I have something exciting to share with you about it. Turn to page____(where the sample is) and check out the sample of the ______(what ever is there). Some of my customers have missed it and I didnt want that to happen to you. At this time I share some information about the product that is featured in the sample.
If they are not home I hang up and call again. After calling three times and still not reaching them I leave a message and ask them to call me. If they do not call me I still keep calling until I reach them.
I find Saturday late afternoon and early evening is the best time to call from 4-8 on Saturdays. I find more people at home at that time on one night than I find at home all week calling every night from 6-9.
Notes from Nancy.
*1) Check on their current products, review time since ordered skin care
*2) Received Look book?  Tried sample?
*3) Did she see the 4 models in the center?  Did she have a favorite?  Could she be a model for an success event? (showing new holiday prods.)  If not this week, the following week or set up a time to get together to try a new look.
4) Go see appt to show new products?
Ask for referrals indicating I am building my business/ moving into management, etc.
Update phone, address, email
Remind free gift thru 12/15
On #3 thru #5, I am basically starting with the first & moving on to the others if those don't work.

Working at Working is Serious Business
You were going to work today, but the house needed cleaning and the phone rang a dozen times. Your cat had to go to the vet, your houseplants needed baths and SOMEONE had to clean the refrigerator. So, you didn't work today, but maybe you will tomorrow - unless the kids are home from school, or someone comes over for lunch, or the phone rings all day, or there's laundry to do, or you have errands to run.
The hardest part of working at home is - WORKING. Other people don't take you seriously. First of all, they don't think you really work - not really. You don't have clocks to punch or a boss standing over you. You're home. You're available.
Said a free-lance writer once, "No one believes that I work! My children certainly dont; I'm just 'Mommy' to them. They can't understand why I get mad when they burst into my office, or why I can't drop everything if they need a ride somewhere.
"My husband doesn't believe I'm a 'real' working woman either. Otherwise he wouldn't expect me to do all the housework and cooking, take care of the kids and iron his shirts and pick up the clothes he drops all over the floor."
She looked down at the flowers she'd been attending in her backyard and shrugged. "He acts as if my career is an amusing little hobby," she said. "It never occurs to him that it's as important to me as his is to him."
If you work at home and absolutely no one seems to take your work seriously, it's time to make sure YOU do. Here are some questions you might ask yourself:
     Do you have a firm work schedule? Have you set aside fixed hours each day, or each week, during which you work and do nothing else?
     Do you have the basic equipment you need for your job? Have you invested in supplies, a telephone or extension, a message recorder, a file cabinet, a comfortable desk and chair, a personal computer or easel - whatever you need to run an efficient operation?
     Have you invested in pleasant surroundings as well? Do you have your own permanent space? One with a door and a "Do Not Disturb" sign?
     Is there a warm, cheerful place for you to work? It need not be lavish, but curtains aren't expensive. Posters can take the place of paintings. Soft music can come from an inexpensive tape deck. You deserve a welcoming place to work. You work hard, and you almost certainly will spend less than most men would spend on a home office.
     Do you talk about your work without discounting it? Do you say, "I'm a writer" or "I'm doing a little writing"? Do you say, "I am an artist" or "I paint in my spare time"?
     Do you dress for work, even though no one will see you? Slopping around in a comfortable robe is wonderful on a rainy Saturday, but you won't feel like working in your fuzzy slippers.
     Do you ask yourself (at least three times a day) how those around you would manage if you worked in an outside office? They would manage - millions of families do. Saying "someone has to do it" is pure sabotage.
     Are your children clear about what you do and when you do it? Do you have ironclad rules about when and why they can interrupt you? Even a young child can learn to respect your time at work. You can be there for real emergencies, but YOU define what a real emergency is.
     Finally, do you like what you do? Are you proud of it? Is it important? If it's important to you, other people will get the message. If it's not important to you, if you're not proud of and committed to what you do, you might consider other work. It's true that when a man goes to school (or works at home) everyone assumes he's investing in the future. But when a woman does the same, people may assume she's "dabbling". It's up to us to change that perception, but first we must change our own.