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The house is a mess again.. now what!

Follow these 7 steps to a cleaner home to reduce stress, save time, and make the holidays a little brighter. Living in clutter tends to disorganize our mind.  You will be proud to do those classes and facials at your home when it is looking good.  Don't be afraid to take garage bags and throw.. especially all that paper.  Anything really great in MK does come around again.. and you can always find it on my Unit Net in the training center. 
              I learned long ago that you want to do this kind of work off peak Mary Kay time.. (9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
              When I took Mary Kay's advice to hire cleaning help .. wow. that lightened my load so that I could focus on my business.  The extra money I made during that time.. paid for my sitter.  I made certain I always  had a class while my cleaning helper was  working.
       If you work a full time job.. there is no doubt at all .. cleaning help is essential!  What man do you know who would work a full time job, plus build his own business, plus take care of all the meals, laundry, shopping, children's activitys, church funtions and cleaning.  He wouldn't ... He would HIRE HELP.. OR GET A WIFE!  
         Be a SMART business women.. YOU are Building your MK business to make a better life for your family.  You can pay someone $10 - $15 per hour while you go out and make $50 - $75 per hour.  NOW .. That is a smart trade off. 
    Yes,  Your home needs to be clean.. but you don't necessarily need to be the one to do it.   There are many many women who are looking for a job cleaning homes.   When I hired my help.. ( I have had 3 different women in 25 years) ..I made sure that they were willing to do whatever I asked.   A little light ironing each week .. plus the cleaning.  (Inside windows if I needed them done.)  She had to be willing to work as hard as I do.  
          At first Gary wasn't too excited about it at all.  He kept saying.. "we can't afford it.. I kep thinking of what Mary Kay would say.. "You can't afford not to!"
Well .. I promised to earn the extra money each week.. and guess what.. Gary couldn't imagine our life without our weekly help!
        I did not hire thru an agency... too expensive!  I put an add in the paper one time, the other 2 times I asked others for referrals. 
         Of course I came to love the women who took care of my home. .. and I always always told them home much I appreciated all the work they did.
        ....But still.. there are times we need to unclutter... read on..

1. Starting... now!
There's a long list of tasks to tackle between now and the end of the holidaysentertaining guests, buying gifts, making cookies for the office party, and composing greeting cards. How do you make time for all the cleaning that needs to get done? Actually, maintaining a clean holiday home is easier than you think, especially if you approach it the right way. The first step? Begin cleaning before the seasonal rush. This will relieve stress, and give you time to tackle long-term projects, such as polishing the silverware or rearranging furniture.

2. Make a list, check it twice.
Before you begin, make a list of all the things that need to be cleaned. Divide chores by room, estimating the time it will take to complete each task. This will let you know if you can squeeze in time before you leave in the morning  or if you should set aside a Saturday  afternoon. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each item, making it more likely that you finish everything.

A little here, a little there3. A little here, a little there.
You don't need large chunks of time to get your house sparkling. In fact, you'll find that dedicating only about 30 minutes a day to cleaning will yield pleasant results. Set aside a fixed time (e.g., right before bed, after your morning coffee, etc.) to get things in order. You can also clean as you go. For example, squeegee the shower door after you've turned off the faucet, and rub down your tub to quickly wipe away bathroom scum.

4. Yes, you can take shortcuts.
There's nothing wrong with being ambitious, but let's face itthere isn't always enough time. If you find yourself needing a quick cleaning fix, take a couple of shortcuts to tide you over until you can give rooms a deeper scrub. Giving your house a fresh scent will lend an immediate impression of cleanliness. Try our Febreze 7-day Challenge to freshen your entire home.

Enlist help5. Enlist help. ..Remember.. Part of your Cleaning person is tax deductable .. because you are self employed and do some of your business from your home.  You're not the only one enjoying the holidays, so you shouldn't be the only one cleaning for them either. Set aside a specific time each week for cleaning and divide up chores so your children and spouse can pitch in. Have kids make their own beds, sort toys, dust, or wipe off countertops. Not only will this give you some relief, it will teach them good habits as well.

6. Simplify.
Sometimes it seems easier to clean around unwanted items than to discard them, but this isn't a very effective method in the long run. Eliminate  clutter with a little organization. Get rid of any clothes that don't fit or that you haven't worn in more than two years. Dispose of any singles (i.e., one sock, one earring, etc.) that used to be part of pairs. Designate a basket or bin for all mail, newspapers, and car keys. Consider purchasing shelf organizers, shoe racks, plastic bins, or hanging bags to help organize clutter...DON"T BE AFRAID TO THROW.. OR GIVE ITEMS TO CHARITYS.

Have fun7. Have fun.
Cleaning doesn't have to be all work. Think of it as time to catch up on some reading: Listen to your Mary Kay tapes and even Rent books on tape from the library to pass the time. Or put on some of your favorite tunes and get those feet moving! You can also give yourself an incentive to work a little harder or a little longer by promising yourself a long bath, or sharing a favorite sweet treat with the kids.