"NO STAR... NO CAR!! "
Have you ever heard Gloria Mayfield-Banks say this?
Have you ever asked yourself "Why?"
With the introduction fo the Star Team Builder promotion, I took another look at Star Consultant and was again struck with the wisdom of this incredible program. It made me wonder if some of you ever really sat down and thought about it, and thought about how it relates to where you say you want your business to go....
The purpose of the Star Consultant Program is to set a minimum standard for consultants who want to make significant money and move ahead in their careers.
When you take on any job, you have a choice to work 5 hours a week nd make a little pocket change or to work 40 hours a week and make some real money. It's a choice you make, but you don't pretend that you can earn full-time income on a 5-hour-week job, do you?
Why would this be any different? No, you don't have to work 40 hours a week to make your business grow, or even 20, but you do need to decide how many you will spend working, and then do it with commitment and consistency every week.
$300/week retail sales = Sapphire
(1-2 classes/week plus reorders)
$400/week retail sales = Ruby
(2 classes/week plus reorders)
$500/week retail sales = Diamond
(3 classes/week plus reorders)
$600/week retail sales = Emerald
(3-4 classes/week plus reorders)
1. Healthy Cash Flow- When you are working consistently, you will have cash available for ordering, expenses, and income.
2. Strong customers base and future team members - Skin care classes are immediate income, but a healthy customers base is your future stability. When you build to 100 customers on the Preferred Customer program, you have a very stable business, and when you are seeing 6-15 faces a week, you are meeting enogh women ot build that team and win cars and Directorship.
3. Easy Booking - It's no secret that booking from classes are more likely to hold, have larger sales, and take less time to acquire. When you hold appointments consistently, and book from them, the challenge is where to fit them all in, not how to find them!
4. Consistent Income - We are sitting on some of the best income potential in the working world, and yet we don't take advantage of it. Use the marketing plan! If you are going to call this a job, be smart and make it provide income!
5. Satisfaction of Success - We all want to know that feeling of reaching our goals, of having found our "place in the sun," of developingour gifts and talents to the degree that we can now affect the world in a positive way with them.
The benefits of the Star Consutlant Program are far broader than just a ladder with a star on it, and a beautiful prize. Mary Kay, in her wisdom, knew that we needed parameters and minimums in our business, and this is how she chose to provide them. Please work this program first, and I promise everything else will flow from it!
National Darlene Berggren