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Why Might I consider Starting A Mary Kay Career?
Why might I consider starting a Mary Kay Business?

Carefully consider the following questions...

Am I thrilled with my current income?  Will I be thrilled with my income in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
Have I received enough fabulous prizes in my current career that I am actually dulled to the experience?
Does my current career offer exciting advancement opportunities that will one day lead to Owner, CEO, and President?
Do I get publicly praised and cheerfully recognized enough for my efforts and hard work in my current career?
Personal Growth
Is my current career offering the path, resources and support
that'll enable me to become the woman of my childhood dreams?
Does my current career provide rock-solid training that squarly aims at building me into a enormously-capable businesswoman?
Does my current career offer me the ability to leave my work whenever, for any reason, and for as long as I want?
Does my current career allow me to be home when the kids return from school? Can I design my own unique schedule?
Are my associates in my current career pulling for me? Do they want the best for me and cheer me on as I go?

If you answered "NO" to ANY of the above, I implore you to read a little further.
I realize that the questions above may seem a bit silly at this point, but I asure you they are not.  I can guarantee you that I can answer every single question above with a resounding and emphatic "YES."  But more importantly, however, is that I know of many thousands of Mary Kay women who would also answer "YES" to every single one of them - and I know a good many of them personally.

It's About You.
Though I have been quite blessed through this career, the money and the freedom are no longer the reason that I am so passionate
about this opportunity.  Yes, the income is nice.  Sure, I love the freedom, the flexibility, and being home when my children walk through the door.  And No, I would never want to give all of these blessings up.   The heartbeat of my business is no longer about me and my world.  Today, my driving force is sharing these blessings with other women, such as you.

I Want to See You Run.
There is no way that I can properly express to you the joy I receive when I watch a woman take her first fearful steps.  Why?  Because I know, that by placing one foot after another, she will eventually be engaged in all out sprint, hair flying, tears of joy streaming down her face, as she reaches speeds she never thought herself capable of.  What's even more special, is the crowd of friends running along side her cheering her on -
and I will be your loudest fan.